5| Ms. Vagina?

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Don't take me for granted cause unlike the rest I'm not afraid to walk away.
~Ritu Ghatourey


"Ehem" I do a little cough to get anyone's attention. That, if there is anyone in the office.

A guy stands up and turns the video of a naked guy banging the blonde chick off. He then turns his chair around to face me and- sweet baby Jesus. This guy is hella hot, and damn he is fine. No, better than fine. He's an angel. And quite familiar? Have I seen him somewhere?

"Uhm... I'm here for the interview?" I say, while awkwardly hiding the rip on my skirt.

His eyes widen in... horror? I think? And starts to say, "Interview? The receptionist didn't say anything about an interview. Do you have your forms?" He asks with his deep and manly voice.

He clears his throat as I pass him my forms. His gaze keeps going back and forth from my papers and my face. Did I look that ugly?

"Ms. Vagina?" Hi grimaces and laughs. "What a very odd name. Please take a seat." His voice is deep and strong. Why does everyone always mess up my name? I should be angry but his voice. Oh God. Is it possible to be turned on by someone's voice?

I take a seat on one of the huge black leather chairs that directly face his desk.

"Actually it's Vajina. The 'J' is pronounced as 'H' since I'm part Venezuelan and please, call me Kat." I smile politely. I have to bang this guy one day.

No stop it Kat. You're here for a job. Not sex.

"Do forgive me... Kat. I'm not really good when it comes to-" he looks at me in a seductive way, "names."

"That's alright." I offer him a cheeky smile. "But I was wondering why were you watching porn in your office when anybody can just barge in you?"

Fuck! Kat why did you have to ask him that? Are you crazy?

"What? Porn? You thought... You thought I was watching porn?" He says in between laughs. Oh damn. I change my mind, is it possible to be turned on by someone's laugh?

"I was watching the company's new commercial." He explains, still chuckling.

Commercial? What does sex have to do with ice cream? Unless... Eyes wide I ask him "Wait. What is your company about, exactly?"

He looks at me as if I am stupid, and honestly? I feel like I am. "Condoms. My company makes and sells condoms, caramel flavored condoms to be exact, hence why it's called Calvin's Creamy Caramel. Haven't you heard of it? CCC? It's like the biggest company in the world." I look down at his desk and see his name plastered on it.

Calvin Payne
Founder and owner of Calvin's Creamy Caramel condom factory.


CCC?! Calvin's Creamy Caramel? How did I not think about this?? Of course CCC just had to mean Calvin's Creamy Caramel. I'm applying a job at a condom company? Well this isn't embarrassing at all. I'm so dead.

I'm so killing Bella when I arrive home.

My mouth is wide open, but no words would come out. I've got a thousand things running on my mind, but I can't let a single one of them out.

"Tell me Miss Vajina, Kat rather, why a Condom Company?" He stands up and goes around the table, standing in front of me.

I move a little, can't take the intimacy, when my skirt rips further.


I close my eyes tightly, hoping, praying this is all a dream. From a manager of a fashion designing Company, you get to work as a secretary for a Condom Company. Amazing.

"You know," his breath catches my mouth. I directly open my eyes and find his hands on either side of my chair and his mouth a few centimeters away from mine. "if you were looking for a hard bang, you could've just called." He bites his lower lip and I clench my thighs.

Oh god is this the right time to be wet? I can't work for him! I can't work here!

I gulp and look at his mouth. If I am looking clearly, I think he's coming closer.

Fuck! Will he kiss me? If he kisses me, I don't think I could handle all of this. I would die. I would take this skirt off and jump on him right away. I don't think I could take it. I'm sober. That's good. I love having sex sober. I could totally bang him. I don't care if he doesn't take me as a secretary. I'd be happy getting his huge shaft in me. In fact, I didn't take any pills today. I'd be glad if he impregnates me and give me his spawn. My children would be like gods.

His hand touches the corner of my mouth.

Oh fuck. I'm so ready. Kiss me already!

And he brushes his hand on the corner of my lips. I wouldn't say brushes because technically, he pushed it away. Like he wiped something and pushes my head away.

What the Fuck?!

He shows his thumb with red all over it. Wait, is that my? Lipstick??

He frowns, "You-" he takes a deep breath and snaps, "disgust me."

He sighs and turns his back towards me. I disgust him?

He disgusts me!! I deserve to be offended. I mean who the hell walks in an office and find the founder watching porn?! (I know it was a commercial, but still!) Just because he has Opal black hair that makes me want to own doesn't make him my property! Just because of his clear blue eyes that I want to drown in forever doesn't make him my ocean. Just because he looks fit doesn't actually mean he is. Come on! He's wearing a suit. Probably to hide all those flabs.

Or you're just bitter. My head quarrels.

"You may leave Ms. Vajina." He snaps.

"Wha? L-leave?" I stutter.

"Yes. The door's right over there." He points at the door and offers me a very fake friendly smile. "Thank you for your time."

I slowly stand, letting go of my ripped skirt. It spreads further and I see his gaze follow it.

Can't resist the temptation mister? Hah. Asshole.

I turn around and leave the office with a slam on the door.

I'm leaving this office with pride.

And I'd like him to see that I'm a woman not worth being taken for granted.

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