3| it's like, 5:30 in the morning!

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What's the use of getting sober when you gonna get drunk again?
-Louis Jordan


Squinting my eyes open, I am awoken by the sound of my phone... Ringing?
"What the hell?" I say, my voice groggy and dry. I sit up, stretching my sore arms and legs then
I'm hit with a splitting head ache.

What the hell did I do last night? I think.

Then realization starts to sink in. Looking around, Where am I? I think then I start to panic, and I quickly stand up too fast. I get another head splitting head ache and then I rapidly blink my eyes to stop the blurriness.

Hearing my phone ring again, I stand up, slowly this time and took it from inside my bra. What? It's easier not carrying anything around, and bras are practically like pockets for women.

"Hello?" I said once I hit answer on the phone.

"KAT?! WHERE ON EARTH ARE YOU?! I'VE BEEN CALLING YOU NONSTOP" the person screeches making me move the phone away from my ear.

"Bella?" I ask.

"Uh," there is a pause, "no, this is the guy you fucked last night OF COURSE IT'S ME! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!"

Fucked? Wait, did I hear that correctly?

"What?" I suint my eyes and massage my head. "I really don't know." I say while looking around the... Hotel? "I think I'm in a Hotel? I have no idea how I got here nor do I recall anything that happened last night. I must have been wasted." I explain.

Bella Washington has been my best friend for practically forever and she's usually the bossier one and the one who worries the most, which is what she is doing right now. I met her when we were thirteen. She was my neighbor and just a year older than me. We were inseparable since.

"Just because you lost your job doesn't mean you can lose control of yourself and get wasted!" I can hear the anger in her voice. But then again, when was she not angry?

"Just come back to the apartment and we can talk about this later." She sighed and ended the call before I even get to say goodbye. Well I'm in deep shit.

Taking a deep breath I gather my things. And when I say my things, I mean just my phone and my pair of shoes, and head out the door. Then realization hit me. I'm not wearing any underwear. This makes me even more curious to what happened last night. Did I get fucked?

I rush back in and to the mirror.

Well shit.

I look like an over ripened tomato. I am flushed as fuck and my blonde hair is all over the place. Not to mention, three buttons are missing on my red fifty dollar worth polo.

I scan my body and find my black tight pencil skirt ripped at the side. Not just plain-slit-ripped but ripped-til-hips ripped. I must've been so drunk last night, which is totally weird because man, I never have drunk sex. If there's one thing anyone must know of, drunk sex is the worst sex because you wouldn't be able to remember the ride of your life. That's probably another reason why Bella's so mad.

I sigh and glance at myself at the mirror once more.

"What happened Katerina? What did you do to yourself?" I squint and grab a fistful of my hair. "Think Katerina, Think!" I say to myself.

After a while, I give up and plan to get out of this hotel. I rush out of my room with the key card and head straight to the lobby.

"Good Morning Miss how may I-- ohh um, are you okay?"
the concierge looks at me up and down and grimaces.

Should I be mad? Because I don't know what the hell happened to me! I don't even know if I'm okay. Am I okay?

I scratch my hair, "Yeah, totally great. I just want to check out from room-" I check my key card, "room 6009." I give her the card and don't give her a chance to speak to me again. I turn around right away and out of the hotel.

Not checking the name of the Hotel, I grab a taxi and give him the address to my apartment.

"That'll be a hundred thirty dollars ma'am." He says when we arrive outside of my apartment.

I stop moving, literally. A hundred what? I didn't keep track of the taxi meter rolling because I fell asleep.

"Wha-what? A hundred thirty? Why? It's like, five thirty in the morning! There's no traffic yet!" I grab his seat and look at him.

"You came from Hempstead ma'am, that's practically an hour drive and just a hundred thirty dollars." He says and shows his palm, signaling me to pay.

I don't have any money with me!

"Can you wait a sec?" I offer a friendly smile and take out my phone.

I dial Bella's number and tell her I need a hundred thirty dollars. After a few shouts, I see her running outside with her robe on and a swab of cash on her right hand. Her face is flaming red with rage and ready to bury me a hundred feet under my grave. Oh Lord, save me.

She doesn't say anything as I take the money from her hands through the window and pay the cab. I get out of the car and stand in front of her as the cab rushes away.

One, two, thre--

"WHAT THE FUCK KAT?! You lose your job, invite me to Club 69, get fucking ass drunk and leave me there all alone? WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN THINKING! You always say 'Never get drunk in clubs or else you might not remember the ride of your life.' What happened to that? I left you three hundred messages and two hundred calls! And you plan answering my call around 4 in the morning? You plan coming home 6? What the fuck! I'm worried as fuck for you! I thought you were gonna kill yourself!" She screams.

"What? Kill myself? What it's not like I lost my job--" Then the flashback comes and grabs me.

I lost my job. I screamed at my PA and got slapped on the cheek. I confessed my love to Chance and got called a slut. I got drunk and had sex.


I had sex.

Sex with a man I don't remember. Sex with a man while being drunk.
I just broke the number one rule I created.

"Um, Bella, can you give me a glass of water?" I ask and drop to my knees.

My world a crumble and I'm just twenty five!

She grabs my shoulder and stands me up. I feel like crying like a baby. My lips start to pout and my eyes start to water. I blink a couple of times and look at her.

"You're gonna be fine Kat! I found a few jobs for you while you didn't answer my calls. You're gonna be okay." She pats my back and we go inside the apartment.

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