Chapter Ten

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C H A P T E R     T E N 


Marinette's POV

I opened my eyes. Yay for the holidays and no school! I sat up on the bed and noticed drool on my pillow. "I guess I did sleep extra good today." I chuckled.

"Good morning sunshine!" I turned around to see Chat standing there. I jumped and fell off the bed. "Oww." I moaned. Chat jumped on the bed and smirked at me.

"No cats allowed in bed." I teased. He laughed and pulled me up to the bed with him.

"Chat!" I whined.

He had his arms wrapped around me. He smirked at kissed my forehead. I sighed and cuddled up to him.

"So how's my princess?" He asked.

"First exhausted second hungry," I responded. "How about you kitty, whats up in your life?"

"The noir-m, fighting akuma's and all that." I groaned at the pun. He chuckled picking me up bridal style. "Chat what the heck?!"

"I'm going to take you out to eat today. Go get ready." He winked. "So your not be even going to ask your just demanding," I smirked.

He chuckled and put me down. He got on one knee, "Purrrincess will you do me the honor of letting me take you to breakfast?" I giggled, "Sure it's a date kitty." I booped his nose.

He purred and smiled.

He went out to the balcony as I changed. I put on my pink jeans with black boots. Then a gray sweater than a black beanie with cat ears on top. Of course, I grabbed one of my purses.

I really quickly brushed my teeth and cleaned my face.

I went out to the balcony. Chat looked at me in awe. "You look won-fur-ful." I blushed. "T-thanks."

He grabbed me by the waist. "So are mew ready to go?" I giggled, "Yes kitty."

Adrien's POV

"Yeah and I flew half way across Paris," I told Marinette. She laughed, "Oh my gosh I'm sorry."

I shrugged "It's not your the one who threw me." Marinette blushed and took a bite of her croissant.

"Y-you know we could have gotten croissants from my bakery, for free at that." She said. "I know but I wanted to buy you food instead of letting you get it from your parents." I smiled. She smiled back lighting up the world.

I went to a different shop and bought croissants and ice cream. Yes, ice cream in winter because that's the best.

I took her on top of the Eiffel Tower for the best view of the city.

"Well, that's nice of you." She said. "What are boyfriend's for." She blushed.

We sat there talking about anything. School, akuma's, even Hawkmoth. Yet I couldn't see what about her seemed familiar. She had my mother's smile and spark in her eyes, but something else.

I'm filled with determination to find out.

Then I remembered, I have a photo shoot at two!

"Hey what time is it?" I asked quickly. She took her phone out, "Umm it's 1:46, Why?" She questioned. "Dammit," I muttered.

"I need to go somewhere," I said standing up. She gave a slight frown. I sighed, "Come on purrincess I'll take you home."

I brought her to her balcony. "Sorry to claw it short, but I really need to be somewhere." I apologized. She smiled but it wasn't like her real smile if that makes sense.

I kissed her. She wrapped her arms around my neck. Every time I kiss her it's like the first time, magical and passionate.

We pulled away, "Chat I lo-"

"Hey girl guess what!" Alya cut her off before she could finish her sentence. "I'll see ya litter purrincess."

I left her alone standing on her balcony.

Marinette's POV

I took my beanie off and threw it to one of my chairs. I am not jealous right now.

What if he has another girlfriend.

Stop it, Mari!

I went inside my room. "Hey, I saw Chat on top of the Eiffel Tower with a girl!" Alya screeched.

"Really that sounds cool!" I exclaimed.

It really was cool. It was Chat and me with no interruptions. Talking to him is so easy. Something felt bitter when he left though.

Yet I was going to tell him I...

Wait...did I almost tell Chat that I...

It can't be.

(A/N) Whoop around six more chapters and this book comes to an end. So I'm working on a new book :) Here's a sneak peek:

I tripped. The floor hit me hard as my chest experienced extreme pain. I gasped trying to catch my breath. He pinned me down even though he didn't have to. This is the end, I never expected this to happen, the way this was ending anyways. I failed Paris, I failed my parents, I failed my friends, I failed Tikki.  A tear rolled down my cold cheek, I closed my eyes accepting my fate.


Originally I was going to do a nice happy one but then my evil side wanted this story. Also 800 views!!! Thanks, guys!

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