The Van Allen's vs More Vampires

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"The murder investigation is ongoing, and that's all that I can share with the press at this time

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"The murder investigation is ongoing, and that's all that I can share with the press at this time." The gruff looking Sheriff with a mustache so big that you could barely see his lip was telling the four from the other side of his desk.

"I know, but just fact checking here, you found the first head Wednesday..." the rest of Alayna's sentence was lost to Dean as he found his gaze drifting to Karoline who sat in the chair next to him. She was leant forward slightly, with her chin resting on her palm.

Karoline's eyes didn't leave Deans as she pushed him back onto the bed, she flashed a sexy smirk as she crawled on top of him. Dean leant forward, connecting their lips eagerly as he reached a hand up to tangle into her blonde curls.

"The other was a, uh, Christina Flannigan-" Sam began, clearing his throat bringing the Sheriff and Dean's attention to him.

"Two days ago," He interrupted Sam. There was a knock at the door, and they glanced back to see a young, blonde woman, who must've been his assistant, tapping her watch. "Oh, thank you," The Sheriff nodded to her before turning back to the four. "Sorry, time's up. We're done here."

"Wait, one last question," Sam cut in as the Sheriff rose from his chair.

"What about the cattle?" Alayna asked before Sam could finish his thought. The Sheriff fixed her with a hard and disbelieving look.

"Excuse me?" He questioned, raising his bushy eyebrows.

"You know, the cattle's found dead, split open, drained - over a dozen cases," Karoline tried to jog his memory, but the Sheriff still wore an incredulous look on his face. Dean snapped his gaze to her at the sound of her voice.

Dean was the one to break the kiss, moving his lips to her neck in search for that one spot. He found it at the start of her jaw, enticing a soft moan from the girl on top of him.


"What about them?" The Sheriff inquired and Dean blinked back to reality.

"Well, don't you think it's possible that there is a connection between the two?" Alayna asked, shaking her head confused on why the thought never crossed his mind.

"Why would there be a connection?" Alayna rose her eyebrows in disbelief.

"Well, first cattle mutilations, now two murders. Kind of sounds like ritual stuff." Sam elaborated, and the Sheriff leant closer to the four.

"You know, like Satanic cult ritual stuff," Karoline added, hoping to get something out of the man.

Karoline tangled her fingers into his hair as she pressed a chaste kiss to his lips. Trailing her warm lips across his jaw and down his chest. His whole body twitched at her pleasurable touches, letting out a low groan as she dragged her tongue across the skin above his waist band.

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