Chapter 11

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+ Meghan's P.O.V +

Driving through the hills is such a lovely sight. On the way in yesterday Will fell asleep. But today he is wide awake and using the camera on my new phone to snap pictures of the countryside, aswell as videoing the drive from his phone. We enter a small town with a population of about 1500 people. I slow down and watch my surroundings trying to look out for the towns storage facility. I see it down a side road and pull up in front of it.

Getting out of the car I look across at Will and he looks puzzled. I smile over at him and walk into the facility. At the front gate I show the guard my key and he buzzes us through. Starting to shake I walk through rows and rows of storage units until I find number 274. smiling slightly I guide my shaky hands towards the padlock and unlock it. Passing the padlock through the loop and placing it in my pocket I grip the handle on the door. I look back and see Will standing there looking confused.

I pass him the envelope I got from Barry and I watch as he opens it and examines its contents. Turning away from him I pull the handle and watch as the door slides up. I feel around the insides of the doorway looking for a light switch. Finally finding one I flick it on and I faintly smile.

Everything I remember plus more is stack neatly inside the storage container. Exactly as my parents would have wanted. I slowly walk through the organised rows of the huge unit. Finding a few photo albums I sit down and smile at the photographs I thought were once lost. I hear Will sit down next to me on the floor and he sighs. I turn towards him and he hugs me. I hug him back and then turn toward the shelf in front of me.

"haha what am I going to do with all of this now!?" he looks at me and I give a faint smile. Pulling my phone out I search for the nearest Bendigo Bank. Seeing that there is one in this little town I stand up and dust my jeans off. Grabbing Wills hand I pull him up off of the floor and punch him in the arm.

Pulling the roller door back down I lock it and place the key on my keychain. I run back to the car and hop in while Mr. Slowpoke strolls back over to the car. When he has buckled up his seatbelt I plug my phone in and play some Ed Sheeran because he is just awesome. I drive with Will back through the town and head towards home. Will falls asleep half way there and I chuckle to myself.

Pulling into a carpark I shake Mr. Sleepy and wake him. Unplugging my phone I unbuckle my seatbelt and step out of the car. Will gives me a confused look as he gets out of the car and slides his phone into his pocket. I just smile at him and step into Fasta Pasta. Getting a table for two I order some pasta (obviously) while Mr. i break traditions over here orders soup. Bleh. After lunch I give him $50 bucks and tell him he can go buy something for himself as I have a doctors appointment.

Grabbing hold of my shoulders he looks me in the eye and smiles then lets go of them and slides the $50 note back into my hand. He then turns around and walks into the doctors surgery. Walking up to the front desk I tell them I have a 1:00pm with Dr. Quin. They sign it off as im here and I go and sit down next to Will. Less than 10 minutes later the nurses call me in and I follow her into the room. Surprisingly Will comes aswell and I smile.

After she has given me all of my shots and taken a blood sample she leads me into Dr. Quins office and I take a seat. The doctor gives me a check up and she tells me to go buy some multi vitamins. Smiling and thanking her I book another appointment for 3 months time as the doctor said and sign the forms. I then slip my hand into Wills and walk back to the car.

Reaching home I take the bags out of the boot and climb the stairs to my room. Considering its a warm day I grab my swimsuit and cross the stairs to the other side of the building.

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