Chapter 3

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"No go back ... Don't follow me ... Please." She said pleading with her.

"I can't Ally ... Please no ... I just can't you're the only one I have left."

"No chicky go back I won't let you get dragged into this you mean too much to me. Girl just go back and stay safe. I got myself into this I will get myself out of it ok." Ally looked at her with desperation etched into every feature of her beautiful face. Her eyes fought of desperation and they pleaded with the other girl to leave.

"Fine ... Will I see you later Ally?" The other girl said looking sad and slightly defeat.

"You'll see me later ... I'll come back ... I promise"


I shot up in my bed and clamped my hand over my mouth to muffle the scream. I couldn't wake up the other kids and Martha had always asked me to do this if I could remember to.

Perspiration droplets ran down my forehead. I went to the bathroom a and set the shower to cold. Stripping down and stepping in I let the water rush over my head. Sobbing my heart, I felt raw, numb and non-existent.

An hour later i got out of the shower and left the orphanage seeing as it was only 4am. Before leaving i set all my work stuff out on the bed, grabbed my phone, headphones, camera and laptop i left the apartment. putting my keys in my pocket i trudged down to the small forest situated in the middle of Alexias.

Sitting down by the edge of the lake i pulled my laptop out, fired it up, put my headphones in and put on some low music. i liked doing photography and i wrote mini stories. at the moment i was trying something a little more out of my comfort zone. i was writing an actual book. it was going ok i guess, i mean i didnt really know because i didnt have anyone to critique it. sitting beside the lake typing away i felt i could melt into the tree behind me and stay in what felt like my natural environment.

Half an hour of typing later and i started to hear footsteps. wether they were of human or animal form i couldnt tell. grabbing my camera i turned it on and swept the surrounding area. after taking several shots of my surroundings and realising there was nobody around i went back to my creative place. its almost like my own mind palace really.

i stayed until 6:30am and then i trudged back to the orphanage. i would have loved to stay out later but the early morning joggers were already out. sunday morning, i could go home, set my alarm for nine and have some well deserved rest.

and rest is exactly what i did.


i awoke to the sound of banging. i could faintly hear it. i wearily got out of bed and fell flat on my face.

Great one Meghan just great!

i lay still and silent on the floor listening out for the noise again. getting up and walking down the stairs into the dining area the noise suddenly becomes very apparent. All of the kids are standing in a circle around Marcus. Because its his birthday they are doing the birthday tradition. Its called The Rowd. All of the kids are standing there around Marcus (who is standing on a chair) and are banging pots and pans to the rythym of 'Happy Birthday'. The tradition started last year on a young girls birthday. They were singing Happy Birthday to her and i bumped some pots and pans. Miraculously they all fell to the floor in the same rythym as 'Happy Birthday' so Martha named The Rowd the official birthday celebration.

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