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My name is Raven  I am 9years old and this is the way I live.
        when I was 6 years old I was taken from my home and I was sold away to a trafficking business .They killed my mom and dad right in front of me they shot them dead in the face and made me watch the blood drip from their head to the ground I just sat there and let the blood make a pool around me in silence I felt dead inside but not on the outside. 
   When they were finally caught I was sent off to a orphanage home in California. I flew all the was from Asia to California. When I got to the building it was Really big it looked like an old asylum and in the inside it smelled like old cheese but I didnt say anyhting. Children were scattered every where with scared lookes on their faces they all looked traumatized like they had seen something they didnt want to see at all. When they gave me a room I set up my stuff I had to share a room with a few other kids but it wasbt a lot because the rooms werent that bug anyways. There was a bathroom down the hall it was clean and everyone that worked there looked like convicts or serial killers. The food was great the building looked disgusting but the food was awesome we got breakfats luch dinner and two snacks before bed.There was a living room and a game room everything seemed perfect until one day I went looking fir one of my roomates and something pulled me into this room but it wasnt a human it was something in my body that tokd me to go in the room but my bidy had just mad the worst desicion ever. The room had twi chairs side by side tgey were steel chairs just like the ones ny parents were killed in but I didnt think about it well atleast I tried not tobit the memories hust kept coning back kept replaying in my head like a broken record would play over and over when uts scratched I sat on the floor right infront of the chair and it brung back the moment they were shot A bug door slammed and it triggered the sound of two bullets in my head .I rubbed my hands against the floor and it felt cold like the blood that I sat in I told myself many times that I had the leave the room but I couldnt get myself up ..I couldnt get my self off the floor it was like a weight was weighing me down but I found it ,I found the strength to get up from the floor and leave.
    I had this journal that they had given me when I first got there they said it was for me to write my feelings in but I didnt use it for that I used for drawings .There were pages filled with drawing of my parents sitting in those chairs.It was like a never ending comic with the same thing on every page.


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