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  My mom always tried to do her best to get me what I wanted. Every time she would try it would never suceed because my dad would always abuse me and my mom. He would beat us,he would threaten to kill us. It was like I was being held hostage in my own home. I always thought I was smart I wanted to go to nursing school but Im only 13 and I didnt even finish school becauae my dad said I was to dumb for school he said I would never be anything he said I would just waist their time. I only finished the 7th grade didnt even get to graduate.
       The abuse would never stop.. It would just go on and on he would make me and my mom fight each other he would give us boxing golves and put is in the back yard and invite his friends over to watch us fight and if we didnt we both know what would happen I never really hit my mom we would just act if i would throw a punch she would pretend I hit her and fall to the ground.
     One day a short young black lady looked like she was in her 20's rang my buzzer I answered and she walked in but she wasnt polite she pushed me. After that I saw the FBI bus through my windows it was like it just happened glass shattered BOOM my mom came running down the stairs like she would if my dad was beating her again. I knew my dad was a criminal I knew he was a drug trafficker but I never knew the consequences for it. The lady that rang my buzzer asked me how old I was and what was happening in my home she asked me lots of questions it was like I was the criminal like I did something wrong. When the questioning was over she asked me to go upstairs and pack my clothes she told my mom to do the same. Me and my mom practically ran up the stairs we were so happy my dad would be locked away we would be free it felt like we were slaves being rescued by Harriet Tubman on the Underground Rail road. We finally felt freedom. When we were done my mom told me to put on my best clothes, The nice clothes that my mom bought for me my dad said it made me look like a white girl a slave owner so I only wore it when I was around  my mom she made  me feel pretty she made me fell loved. We went down stairs and got into the car it was a big black truck it was just me my mom and the lady that rang my doorbell she gave us food we stuffed our selves in candy sandwiches anything we could find before we were rescued we were free

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