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My name is Brianna mossey I am 13 years old and this is the story of my life.
                She would always beat me,slap me,kick me, punch me, throw me against the wall and I would always wonder why. She would always come home late,Use drugs,Get drunk.I dont know why...Ive always wondered how it felt to fell the way my mother felt when she beat me Ive always wondered how it felt to have to take your anger out on your child. One day A tall white man with gray and black hair came to my door step asking for my mom, I thought it was one of her boyfriends so I let him in the house I didnt know he worked for child protection services until he dropped his papers and I read them .It wasnt the first times he had came to my house but this time was the last time he would come. My mom looked at me and just stared right in to my eyes the man just looked at my her.
  "Ms.Mossey this is the third time this month that we have been called to your home" said the man I overheard them talking because our
wall were so thin.
    "Mr w-what ive done nothing for this to happen"said my mom.
    I could hear it in her voice she was lying to a white man,I have 3 other siblings that have been taken from my house.
    " M'am Im sorry but we will have to take your child away to an adoption center until you can get your life together"He said.
    When I heard that I knew I couldnt let this happen but some how I did. I felt kind of happy to be set free from my mom but me not knowing what I had just gotten my self into. They knew I was taking to long so my mom came upstairs stood in the door way, when she saw that I wasnt going to move she came towards me and yanked me by the back of my
  "Im glad to be leaving you..Now maybe you can get your life together even if you do im never coming back to this house" I said
            " Ive never told this to not 3 of my children but you ..I hope you die in that facility" She said
    I could have broke down in tears when she said that to me but I didnt Ive been told this worse than that Ive been called worthless, Stupid,Dumb, Ugly , Fat. But I know what I am and I know what Im not. Her words dont hurt me and they never will!
     The man finally came up thw stairs and came got me.
    When we got there I was so relieved I was away from the pain ,Away from hurt .I was Free and it felt good.

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