o n e || introductions

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Dedicated to @iwearheelys because Tee and Evan's relationship remains one of my favorite developing friendships to this day.


It's almost ten o'clock when the phone rings at AskAway, the name for a relationship hotline in the city of Seattle. The sky is twinkling with radiant stars, a full moon hovering the entire city. With all of the lights shining in the city, it looks like a scene straight out of a Hallmark movie.

Her dim desk lamp is the only source of light in the building. She's the only one who stays in the office this late. Some days she stays late because she has nowhere to go after work, but most days it's because she needs the money. Rent has to be paid somehow.

"Hello, thank you so much for calling AskAway. We are here to advise you on all your questions, concerns, and problems related to relationships. How may I assist you today?"

"That's a mouthful to say for a greeting," a husky, male voice answers.

"It took me forever to memorize and say it without stuttering," she jokes around, her voice light and playful. "So what is your question?"

"I think my girlfriend is cheating on me."

"That's not a question," she teases, but when all she hears is an elongated sigh on the other line, she immediately asks, "Well, why do you think that?"

"Be-because I think I saw her with someone last week."

"Where did you see them?"

"They were sitting at a booth in the restaurant I work at. I picked up an extra shift because they were understaffed. Delilah didn't know I was going to be there."

"Who's Delilah again?"

"My girlfriend. Her name is Delilah, like the song 'Hey There Delilah'."

"Are you sure it was her?"

"There aren't many too girls with lilac hair in Seattle."

"No, that there aren't," she replies, glancing down at her dark brown, one shade away from jet black hair.

"So, what do I do now?" His voice is dangerously low as he pleads for an answer.

"You ask her what she was doing on that night last week."

"And what if she lies to my face?" The thought strikes him as hard as it possibly can.

"Then you have your answer."

There's a pause of hesitance, a sense of the unknown in the air that can be heard and felt through the line.

"I guess, I guess you're right. Thank you for . . . um, helping me out. I appreciate it."

"You're welcome. Thank you so much again for calling AskAway. If you need anything el-" she says, but he hangs up the phone before she can even finish saying her scripted lines.

And as the line goes silent, she can't help but think that he sounds like he's in love. She wonders what that must feel like as she puts the phone down and packs up for the night.

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