1. Running

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I pull a jacket on over my arms and sigh. I shake it off and grab my bag. It won't be sunny today, they'll be at school. I slide on my converse and jog downstairs before running outside and getting in Eric's van. I fake a smile and he smiles back.

"Heard there's gonna be a new kid, think we get get her to join the group? Ya know, since you're normally with the Cullens Alli." Jessica asks.

"Maybe, and I'm not always with them." I reply.

"Yeah, when they're not at school you're not with them." She retorts.

"Um well Jessica, I'm pretty sure you'd sit with your boyfriend too, if you had one." Matt says.

"Oh my God guys, for the last time he's not my boyfriend! He's just a boy that's my friend." I declare.

"And I'm not Asian, I'm just from Asian descent." Eric states while pulling up to the school.

"Face it, Alli, you might not have a label for it yet, but he's totally your boyfriend." Christina chimes in.

"You guys give me a headache." I mutter getting out. An orange truck pulls in and Eric smirks.

"Found the new kid." He nods toward the truck while a chick steps out. He walks up to her and starts talking I roll my eyes and walk inside with Christina and Jess. We sit down at our table and soon Eric, Matt, and the girl sit down with us. "Guys meet Bella. Bella this is Christina, Jessica, and Allison." I slightly wave and glance out the window. I turn my focus back to the table.

"So Bella, are you going to do any extra curriculars?" Christina asks.

"I don't know, maybe." She replies looking toward the door. The Cullens come into view and I slightly smile. "Who are they?"

"The Cullens, they're barely ever here, they're all adopted and their dad pulls them out of school to go do fun stuff. Alli here, is probably the only person in school that's actually friends with them." Jessica states. I furrow my eyebrows when I notice that Emmett never showed up. Alice taps the side of her head with a finger and I roll my eyes. Two hands rest on my shoulders and I roll my eyes again.

"Hey Emmett." I smirk. "Bella, it was nice meeting you, I'll talk to you later, yeah?" Emmett takes my bag and I follow him to the table where all of the Cullens sit. I sit beside Emmett and he wraps an arm over my shoulders.

"Who's she?" Edward asks. "I can't read her mind."

"Her name's Bella, I think she's Charlie's daughter. She just moved here from Arizona." I reply. He nods and glances over at her. Alice smiles to herself and I roll my eyes.

"You know if you keep rolling your eyes they're going to get stuck in your head." Emmett says.

"Well then I won't have to see your ugly face." I tease.

"Um excuse you, but I am gorgeous, you must have me mistaken with Edward." He retorts.

"Self centered much?" I scoff.

"You're just jealous because I'm sexier than you." He states with a smirk.

"I think the steroids have gone to your brain." I state.

"Would you two shut up?" Rosalie snaps.

"Rose! Be nice!" Alice whisper yells. Jasper stiffles a laugh. I smirk and rest my head on Emmett's shoulder.


I duck when a glass comes hurtling toward my head. Glass showers down on me and I slowly stand up, shaking. He glares at me and I start walking away backwards, keeping a close watch on him.

"Where do you think you're going bitch!?!" He snaps. I stop moving.

"To get the broom to sweep up the glass." I say in a small voice.

"Not yet. I'm not finished with you." He states advancing toward me. I flinch when he raises his hand. I feel it come in contact with my arm and I grit my teeth. He throws me down and kicks my side. I whimper and slightly look up at him. He grabs my arm and pulls me to my feet with one jerk. He pushes me into the wall and I slowly start sliding down it. He grabs a knife and throws it. I scream as it comes in contact with my arm. I rip it out and take off. I fling the door open and run into the woods. Tears run down my face as my chest heaves. I clutch my bleeding arm and slow down. My body continues to shake and I lean against a tree. I slowly slide down and close my eyes.

"Alli!?!" Emmett flashes to me and I slowly open my eyes. He wipes away the tears and glances at my arm. "Come on, let's get you stitched up." He scoops me up and I keep my hand firmly clasped around my arm. I rest my head against his chest and slightly sniffle. Esme opens the door and Emmett carries me to Carlisle's office. He slowly sits me down and then sits beside me while Carlisle threads the needle. Emmett holds my hand, regardless the blood, which is pretty hard considering the fact that he probably hasn't fed in a while and they only go after animals, but blood is still blood. Carlisle focuses on the stitching, but still glances at Emmett every now and again.

"He's becoming more belligerent." Carlisle states. "It's better if you stay here, and don't go to school tomorrow. I'll take you home tomorrow evening and hopefully he remains calm long enough for you to be able to heal properly." I slightly nod and Emmett squeezes my hand. "Once you're eighteen, I think it'd be best if you lived here with us."

Dusk // Twilight // Emmett Cullen [ON HOLD]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt