19. Watson&Holmes

Start from the beginning

"It would be more fun if someone here didn't fall asleep." He pointed out mockingly. John pursed his lips together, hiding his face with his cup, steam covering his face.

"I never fall asleep during the Hobbit. You must have drugged me" John replied, bit teasingly. Sherlock opened his mouth, acting like he felt offended. He then narrowed his eyes, a smirk playing on his lips and grabbed a tennis-ball that was rotting on the floor for weeks now. He simply throw it to John's face. John choked in his tea, looking up at Sherlock.

"I only drug my brother." He said smirking, leaning more backwards but jolted upright again as he felt the tennis-ball against his face, his hand snapped up to touch the pounding pain at his cheeks. "For god's sake John." He said, wanting the throw the ball again to John's adorable face but the ball rolled away. John chuckled, sipping his tea before speaking up.

"Got ya." He laughed. Sherlock rolled his eyes, but stifled a laugh as well.

Both boys kept talking about several things. John informed Sherlock that they need to watch Lord of the rings sometime, continuing the storyline. Sherlock agreed convincingly. A couple times, Mrs Hudson was peeking outside, spying on the two. Sherlock frowned as he spotted her again. Out of the corner of his eyes he saw that John was glaring at Mrs Hudson as well. Plus he was blushing. Why was he blushing? Sherlock thought.

After they ate a summer salad with melon ice cream as dessert, they laid themselves back in the hammock. In the same position like before, both boys their toes touching, eyes closed, enjoying the bright sun on their faces, Hammock swaying back and forth with the motion of a boat. After more than ten minutes silence Sherlock spoke up, his eyes still closed.

"You know John." He started, John looked up, smiling at the sight of Sherlock who was red like a tomato, thanks to the sun. "This hammock is only for one person. It should have been broken by now."



"Well we're not sitting together. If a couple would sit in this and they're lying on each other as example. I'm sure it would break. We're spreading the weight over the hammock. So we're safe" John informed, not knowing why he brought the subject couple in this.

"You sure about that?" Sherlock teased. John licked his bottom lip nodding stiffly. "So if I go to your side, it'll break?" He asked, his voice soft, looking at John who swallowed, a blush creeping on his chubby squirrel cheeks.

"No... I mean yea." John stuttered. Sherlock's heart rate was steadily rising at the thoughts what he was planning to do now. He sat upright, crawling towards John's side. He couldn't think straight anymore, he just followed his heart. He suddenly was hovering over John who was still lying in the hammock, looking down at John he could see John's heartbeat accelerating, his pupils dilating and Sherlock was almost sure that he saw lust in John's eyes.

"Wrong Watson." He pointed out.

"I th-think you're not close enough." John stuttered, shyly. Sherlock followed John's instructions and he carefully laid himself down onto John's chest, leaning on his elbows, their faces only inches away. John's hands slide on Sherlock's back, resting there.

"What about this." Sherlock whispered in his ear, not missing John's shudder of pleasure as he did so.

"I think I'm wrong yeah." John said, licking his bottom lip. Sherlock chuckled, eyes lingering on John's lips for couple seconds before meeting his hazel eyes again. "Sher-


A loud cracking sound was heard, the hammock fell with a crash and the two boys landed in a heap on the lawn.

"Arg." John groaned his hand rubbing the back of his head.

"You okay?" Sherlock asked concerned, causing John to frown at Sherlock's concern. Sherlock wasn't hurt since he was laying on John's chest.

"I am now." He said quietly more likely whispering with a smile, giving him a look of such blatant adoration that Sherlock couldn't stop himself from leaning in. But when John saw what Sherlock was doing, he couldn't wait any longer and took a handful of Sherlock's purple shirt and pulled him closer, their lips crashing together in a tangle of passion. After a few moments John began to slide his tongue into Sherlock's mouth, one hand walking its way up his back, the other finding itself moving up Sherlock's waist. They kissed passionately, both not wanting to pull away. But suddenly there was a loud scream so both snapped their heads to the side, both started chuckling at the sight of Mrs Hudson squealing with delight behind the big window. Sherlock couldn't feel happier, he glanced back at John, smiling down at his hobbit. Sherlock couldn't describe what he felt that moment. He leaned down again, pecking John's lips and embraced John tightly.

Oki after 19 chapters; here you go c:

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