Innocent Part 5

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Hand of the innocent

Symbol of might

Defender of honor

Promise of life

5 Innocent

Moonlight shown bright enough to cast shadows from the retreating forms of Rok and Kia. Song stood trembling until her sisters faded from sight. Stix lay at her feet barely breathing. She knelt and touched Stix on the cheek then jerked away from the cold flesh.

She's dying, and I can do nothing. Song clutched her stomach, wanting to rid herself of the dull ache cutting through her. Everyone is dying except me. She rocked back and forth, crying silently through clenched teeth. The vision of stones pounding down upon Vee, crushing, killing, burned in her mind and sent waves of pain through her heart. She couldn't remember a day not spent with Vee. They'd played together as children and learned to hunt together. Vee had always been the strong one, now she was gone. She'd never be able to go on without her best friend.

Guilt and shame flooded into her and joined forces with her anguish. She had done nothing to help her beloved while Vee's screams echoed in the cavern. All she'd had to do was reach out and grab Vee by the arm, but she only sat there. Song cried out in her grief then covered her face with her hands, fear pushing away the guilt. What if she'd alerted the hunters of the night with her outburst?

Crouched at the base of the pungent calipsa tree, she peered into the night and tried to quiet her sobs. From far away the sounds of Terah being ripped apart drifted on the wind. Did anyone else survive? Her blood mother had been standing closest to the precipice; she could have escaped. And others could have fallen down the hillside when the blast came. The thought gave her a small bit of hope. The elderfems would have done anything to protect the mems they held. Someone else had to survive. They can't all be gone. They just can't.

Song touched Stix again, feeling for warmth and breath. Stix groaned and opened her eyes.

"You're awake." Song moved closer and took her bond sister's hand.

"You're beautiful in Moonlight," Stix whispered. "But you've been crying. You know Vee wouldn't want you to grieve."

Another tear rolled from Song's eye. "I know. But I don't think this pain I feel inside will ever stop. Are you feeling okay?"

"A little cold. My leg hurts so bad I can hardly feel it anymore. Where's Kia?"

"Kia and Rok went for medicine," Song said, glancing into the shadows. "They should be back by now. I hope nothing happened to them."

"Nothing can hurt Rok. And she'll protect Kia. They'll be back, don't worry."

"Do you think anyone else got out of there?" Song forced herself to breath slowly and control herself, but a wave, almost like sickness, ran through her as she looked back toward the ruined village.

"I don't know. But if they didn't get far away, the Zid will get them, just like those two almost got us. We can only hope Veenah had mercy on them."

"I want to sneak back and search. If we cover ourselves with mud and only move in the shadows, the Zid won't see us. I know Rok can do it. I can go back with her."

"No good, my love. We got away. If anyone else survived the blast, they either got away from there, or they're dead now. We will keep going. I'm just sorry I'm slowing us down. I probably won't heal from this. You and Kia and Rok should go on without me. Some of us have to live."

"No! Don't you ever say such a thing! We are bonded. That means we stay together for life, no matter what. I'm not leaving you."

"Good. That means you won't think about trying to go back to the village." Stix shifted a little and gasped in pain.

"Be still, sweet Stix. I know it hurts. Kia and Rok will be back soon with medicine. You'll be okay. I'll make sure of it." Song held her sister's head in her lap, but planned a way to search for others.

I'm strong even if I'm young. I can do this. Another stab of guilt struck her. Yes, she was young, too young. The elders advised her to wait, but she convinced them. I lied and told them I was old enough to join a femtog. I lied to all of them, even Vee. They trusted me and I brought this bad luck. I am nothing but an irresponsible child.

The village had never been attacked before. However, the badlands had. The songs told of a once beautiful forest. Then generations ago Zid harvesters had turned Terah inside out, leaving nothing of the vast, life-filled land but death and waste. But the valley where her village lay had been spared. No one ever thought the Zid would come back. Why would they? The elders called it a forked tongue. Like the Zid. Evil. By whatever name, her deceit had brought down Veenah's wrath.

But, if she hadn't lied and joined with Kia, she would have been killed by that blast, instead of spared. She didn't even have a scratch. Maybe Veenah had other plans for her. No! If I hadn't lied, none of this would have happened!

Song thought of the prophecy. An innocent hand would lead Terah. I'm not innocent. I'm a liar. Tears filled her eyes again. She'd always believed that the chosen one would be some great warrior or hunter. The prophecy also said something about might and honor, but she was neither mighty nor honorable. Could a warrior be innocent?

Her head spun with confusion and a new sadness filled her. She didn't understand the prophecy any better than other fems. She hardly ever thought of it, except when Loresinger chanted it at ceremonies. She took a deep breath and wiped her face with the back of her hand.

"Are you still awake, dear Stix?"

"Barely. Your hand on my head feels good."

"Do you ever think of the prophecy?"

"Not really. I don't think it's real. It's only a song they sing. No one even knows what it means. I think it's just a reason to make us go away for a moonphase, so we learn to work together."

"That's crazy," Song said, sitting a little straighter. "We already know we work well together."

"My blood mother said it's a time for us to enjoy each other before we take our place in the village. It takes more than just love to build a hut, grow our gardens, and one day take a husband to our hearth and have babies."

Song felt her face grow hot. She wasn't even sure how a fem got the babe inside her. Even though she looked forward to having Kine as a husband, she shuddered, wondering what it would be like.

A rustling sound came from the direction Kia and Rok had gone. "Hey, love," Song whispered. "I think our sisters are returning. You will soon have medicine." She prayed silently that the noise wasn't a predator, or the Zid.


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