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Here I am an angel at my side, we hold hands and we laugh together, as we walk the road called life. My orbs of blue glimmering and shining brightly at, the abundance of wealth I have found within me. This treasure goes beyond, it runs deeply into realms of beauty, awe and splendor. 

The physical in which I exist, mirrors it, in every breath I take and in every beat of my heart. I am grounded, anchored into the earth, but at the same time I am fluid like, dancing, spiraling, dipping and diving. My divinity, and you own knows no limitations, there is no obstacle too great that can not be surmounted and cast to the four winds.

There is a spring in my step as I walk this journey, I know I am not alone, those days of longing have passed, there is no longer a void that longs to be filled no hole that seems unable to be satisfied or quenched. I take a deep breath inhaling the perfumed air about me, bold enough to pluck some wild blooms and place them within my tresses, joyous enough to also place them within my guardian angel's hair.

The mountain is now behind me, blanketed by an array of hues that is of my love, of my own personal achievements and personal recognition.

Fly did I from that summit, my angel lifting me high into the air, allowing my wings to unfold, and in that moment I was set free. I surrendered.

We are constant, never ending, never failing, even when the physical gives way we still dance and sing. No fear, no pain, understanding, compassion and wisdom are my constant guides. The magnificence of all that is, all that is omnipotent, fills my lungs and my being all the way, as if I was to burst with the radiance of it all.

The soft gentle laughter of angels are all around me, my thoughts and feelings, everything I am they are at one with, and I am at one with them. We are not separate, we are not worlds apart, the veils of illusion faded a long time ago.

My cup is overflowing; I drink constantly from it with gentle sips. At first it was with eagerness, expecting the golden chalice to run dry, when the hand of the ascended offered it to me.

Now I am the one with the cup, it is there within me in the inner sanctum of my soul, and within my hand always, ready to offer it to anyone who wishes to drink from it. There is no doubt, no self judgment or the judgment of others, who come to drink at my fountain.

My eyes reflect, all that is truth all that is sincere, with such gratitude gentleness and wealth, I gratefully extend my hand further, my heart singing proudly to the golden light above my head and opening up before me. A quire of angels awaiting me upon those shores I call home.  


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Thanks for all the positive, heart felt comments too. HUGS

Rapture #Wattys 2016Where stories live. Discover now