After a while we had to check out of the hotel.
Then everyone went home.
But Val and Kenzie are coming over later.
Once I got home
I took a shower
I washed my hair and body
After I got out of the shower.
I dried my hair and is who Dutch braids

Then I got dressed into some real clothes

Then I got dressed into some real clothes

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(Last outfit)

I noticed that it was only 3:30 and the girls are coming over at 6 so I called Sammy.

"Hello" he answered
"Hey wanna hang for a little" I asked
"Sure I'm at my house" he said
"Okay" I said
"See you in 2" he said
I hung up and grabbed my phone and went over to Sammy's
Once I got there I knocked

Nate answered
He looked like a wreck
"Where's Sammy" I asked
"In the hide out" Nate said
I nodded
I was about to walk away till Nate said
"Brooke wait" he said
"Yes Nate" I asked
"I am really sorry. I was drunk. And I regret doing everything I did. If I could turn back time I would. I would stop my dumbass from hurting you. I regret it so much this I've been beating myself so much last night and this morning. Please forgive me" he was in tears
And I know he was speaking the truth cause when a boy Crys over a girl.
He cares.
"I forgive you" I said
He hugged me
"Thank you" he said
I nodded
"Can we get back together" he asked
"Umm Paul kinda asked me out. But I said I needed time to think. So I don't know" I said
"Take time to think I'll wait forever if I have to" he said
"I'm gonna go see sammy" I said
He nodded
I went up to the hide out
I saw Sammy on his phone.
"What's up Sammy boi" I said
"Sup" he said looking up from his phone
"I can only hand out till 5:30 at 6 I have friends coming over for a sleep over" I said
"Is your dad home" he asked
"No. On my way home my dad texted me that he is going to Illinois for a week cause he is showing off the old house. So I'm having a sleep over" I said
He nodded
"Invite more people. I'll go and I got a text from Nate and said u guys made up. So Nate and a few people from your school" he said
"Okay I'll text people u tell Nate" I said
I grabbed my phone and told the guys from the group chat
They all said ok

Me and Sammy went inside his house and we told Nate.
Nate packed a lot of his blunts and vapes just in case anyone wants to do it.
And I told val and Kenzie to bring a liquor

Once I was 5:40 Sammy Nate and I went over to my house.

We waited for everyone to come over
I grabbed my speaker and plugged it in my phone
I put my music on shuffle.
There was a knock at the door
I saw val and Kenzie
I let them in and they unbagged all the liquor.
Then everyone else came.
I hugged everyone
I noticed Paul wasn't here yet.
"Brooke" nick said
"What" I asked
"Do you know how to drive" he asked
"Yea I just don't have a car yet" I said
"Oh. You walk everywhere so I didn't know if u can drive yet" he said
"I like walking" I said walking into the living.
"Ok so Kenzie Val and I get the rooms upstairs. I get my room no one gets my dad's room." I said
Everyone nodded
"The boys get downstairs" I said
We all went to the couch and the floor and watched tv.
We drank and hung out.
After a while Paul still didn't show up.
So I got up and went outside
I called him
"Hello" he said
"Hey are you coming. I am getting worried" I said
"Yea my mom should he here any minute cause I was watching my little brother" he said
"Oh ok" I said
"Yea my mom is pulling up now. So do you want me to bring anything" he asked
"Clothes and yourself" I said
"Okay" I could tell by how he said okay that he was smiling
"See you in a few" I said
I hung up
I sighed
I sat down on the porch.
I am confused about this whole Nate or Paul thing.
See I don't want to be cheated on again by Nate. But I could tell he was honest cause when a boy cries of a girl he cares.
Paul he's sweet. And I like him.
"I just don't know" I said to myself
"You don't know what" someone said
I looked behind me
"Boys. Paul asked me out and Nate asked for me back. I forgave Nate. But I Paul kissed me earlier and I felt sparks. I get the same thing with Nate" I said
She sat next to me.
"You know the saying once a cheater always a cheater. I known Paul my whole life. He would never cheat. He had a girlfriend once. And she was always happy. But then she broke up with him.
But honestly with Nate I don't really Know him. But I can't really say anything about it" she said
I nodded
"This is so difficult" I said
I saw a car pull up
It saw it was Paul.
Kenzie got up and left.
Paul walked up with his backpack
"Hey" he smiled
"Hi" I said
We hugged
I told him where he was sleeping.
And the plans
"Great more drinking" he laughed
"I only had one drink I'm not gonna get wasted" I giggled
"Let's go inside" I said
We walked inside
And I saw Nate give Paul a glare
We sat down in the living room
"Let's play truth or dare" Alan said
We all nodded
We sat in a circle
I sat inbetween Paul and Nate
It was so akward
"Ok val truth or dare" Chris asked
"Dare" she said
"I dare you to take a belly button shot on brooke" he said
I have then a confused look
She got up and grabbed some bottle or liquor
"Lay down" she said
She lifts my shirt and dumps the liquor in my belly button then sucked it out
"Done" she said
"That felt so werid" I said
I look down on my stomach and saw a lipstick mark around my belly button
"Leave it" Val laughed
I shrugged and left it
"Ok Nate truth or dare" Val said
"Dare" he said
"Do a back flip off the last 3 steps of the stairs" she said
He got up and did it
Then he sat down
"Brooke truth or dare" he asked
"Truth" I didn't want to be dared to kiss him
"Me or Paul" he said
I got mad
He is making me choose
"Brooke you don't have to choose. Don't make her choose" Paul said
Everyone agreed
"ME OR PAUL" he said louder
"PAUL" I yelled
He got mad and left
"He left his keys" Sammy laughed
"Ok Sammy truth or dare" I said on the edge of tears
"Brooke. Come with me" he said
I nodded
We went upstairs into my room
"Just chill. You are getting overwhelmed by this. So stay up here for a little a relax" Sammy said
I nodded
He hugged me and kissed my forehead
He went down stairs
I sat on my bed
And sat for a while

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