16 weeks

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Walking away from Evan was the hardest thing I think I would ever go through in my whole entire life. The week past by in the blink of an eye, I refused to go to school and my mom let me actually stay home but begged me to go see him before he left. She knew I would regret it and I probably would but I couldn't bare to see him because I knew I would be a disappointment to him. I would never be strong enough to keep the relationship going miles away from each other I just couldn't and he should focus on doing his best not worrying about me and how badly I am handling this. I wanted what was best for him and every scenario I tried to come up with ended up without me so I decided to try and make it easier on him. My mom told me that his flight was leaving at 6:00 and they were all heading up to see him off and she begged me to come but I just couldn't do it. It was now 7 and I heard a soft knock on my door and my mom slipped inside.

"Honey, are you okay to stay here by yourself while I go out with Lance, Claire left to go study with Drew and some friends, but I will gladly stay home and we can cuddle in bed and watch The Little Mermaid like we use to when you had a bad day when you were little." 

"No I'll be fin, go have fun. I wouldn't be much company anyways, I think I'm gonna call it a night here soon." 

"If you need me baby call me, and I will rush home." she went to open my door but stopped and reached into her pocket.

"I almost forgot, this is for you." she said handing me a folded piece of paper and turning and walking away. 

I think I stared at that piece of paper for a good hour until finally getting the nerve to open it and inside it read 6 words, 3 written in big letters and the other 3 written much smaller at the bottom corner. 

PLEASE MISS ME was in the center and i love you was written in small letters at the bottom. I finally let my tears fall and wished with everything in me that this never would have happened. 

For the first few weeks after Evan left I was like a zombie just going through the motions.At night I would dream of the times we were together both the intimate and not intimate times. I missed hearing him laugh and seeing him smile, the feel of his lips on mine and hearing him whisper I love you to me while we made love, I just missed him and it's only been a month.

The past few days have been horrible, I have been sick every morning and just felt like poop the rest of the time. I really hope I wasn't coming down with some stomach bug. 

"Mom it's been 2 weeks with the same stomach bug no matter what I take I am sick the next day, I think it's time to go see a doctor forreal" 

"I think you're right, I'll make an appointment for you in the morning that way you won't miss that much school."

"Whatever as long as we figure out what is wrong with me, because I hate puking my guts out everyday."


"Mrs. Parker congratulations you're about 12 weeks pregnant, I'm not sure why you're just now getting morning sickness but everyones pregnancy is different." Dr.Hopkins said with a giant smile.

"Is this a joke?" I asked.

"Um, no ma'am, did you not know you were already pregnant? When you explained your symptoms you seemed like you already knew, I'm sorry to have broke the news to you like that."

"No, it's okay, I didn't know at all I thought I had a stomach bug" I said honestly.

"Do you mind me asking if you know who the father is?"

"I do"

"Is he still in your life?" she asked.

"No, he left to go in the marines we aren't together."

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