Chapter 8- Weather

Start from the beginning

"I was just about to go down and see how the humans are reacting to the food that has arrived today." I say.

"Do you need any help?" He offers.

"No! I mean, why don't you go to my palace, because... There is a storm warning and any updates will be sent to my palace so someone needs to be there," technically I'm not lying.

"Okay, I'm glad I could help. You look beautiful today, by the way." He smiles at me and heads towards the palace. I sigh, and go to Greyson's cell. I should really start calling it a room. But nah.

When I go inside, I notice that he has the blankets and pillows arranged into a little bed area in the corner. Seems cozy, but I can tell that it can't be that comfortable.

"I see you finally decided to give us food." He is sitting on the makeshift bed.

"Did you like the food?"

"No." He shakes his head.

"What?" I feel offended. he didn't even like the gift I so generously gave to him? It's food! Humans like food!

"Well, I was given by a not so friendly guy a raw potato, an apple, and something that i'm not sure what it was. I think it was meat?"

"Your so picky, you should be THANKING ME, for doing this. I didn't have to give you food. I could have let you starve." I shake me head.

"But the food wasn't cooked." I can't really explain his expression, it is a mix of disgust and confusion. Well, us vampires never had the need to cook, or make food. Some places sell warm artificial blood, and I can have it warmed up in the palace, but rather than that we don't do anything to our food supply.

"Do you expect me to make a fire and cook it for you? I'm the Queen and am very busy. I'm not giving someone the job of cooking food for humans."

"Why not? And where did you get this food?"

"A farm Above."

"Above what?" Now its my turn to look confused. I told him before that we are underground.

"Above." I say.

"Ohh, we are underground. I forgot. I haven't been outside for days oh my god. I miss it." He looks at the concrete walls around him.

"YOU miss it? You don't know what you're talking about." I shake my head. I'm starting to get annoyed.

"Yeah, I do. Its hard to be down here for so long not knowing whats going on outside of here."

Now he struck a nerve. "Listen to me you little mortal. You think life is hard and you've been here, what, a week? TRY A HUNDRED YEARS." I yell. He blinks.

"Aw, somebody is homesick."

"I am home." I say in a cold voice. Thats a lie, i'm not home. I will return home, but no one knows that.

"Home is where you belong. And I guess you're right. Maybe you do belong in a hole underground." He smirks.

'Why do your conversations always lead to you trying to make me feel bad about myself?' I feel like asking. but I don't.

"I will take away your food supply if you don't stop this." I say instead.

"No you won't. Not if you want me to live." Damn him for being right.

"I will stop coming down here."

"Why should I care? You're the one who choses to come down here not me."

I close my fists and take a deep breath. I am not going to lash out at him.

"What do you even want?" I ask. There must be a reason for this, unless he just has a hobby for picking on me.

"To leave, obviously? At least out of this cell. I'm beginning to feel claustrophobic."

"Well I'm not going to do that, Obviously." I shrug. I mimic his tone.

"I'm so alone though."

"You deserve it though."

"Okay but seriously, why do i deserve it? I haven't even done anything to you. I never knew you existed until, like, you captured me." He snaps.

"well seriously, its because your ancestors did things to me family that can't be forgiven." I snap back.

"Why am judged for what my ancestors did?"

"Why did your ancestors judge my entire race for what one person did?" I snap.

He is silent. No more comebacks from him. Ha.

"What did they do?" His voice gets softer. And as crazy as it sounds, I feel the urge to tell him. so I sit down on the blanket beside him.

"I have no reason to tell you my personal information." I shake my head.

"But you want to," He points out.

"What makes you think I want to?" I look at him, and he stares at me for a while.

"Because, i'm just guessing, but you seem like someone who is lonely. I don't mean alone, you must have people around you, but you don't like anyone. And they don't like you. You are looking for someone who understands you, someone to talk to. And everyone else is obviously not that person, but you don't know who I am yet so you feel like i'm that person who will listen."

When he sees my shocked expression he adds, "Or, you know i'm stuck here so I can't do anything about tis information and I can't tell anyone."

I am quick to mask my emotions as I think of something to say. "Ill have you know I do have someone who likes me. His name is Aaron and he is my boyfriend." I emphasize on the word boyfriend.

"You sure about that?" He raises a brow.

"What? Of course i am. Did you doubt my abilities to have a relationship?"

"No, but when you mentioned him you didn't really act happy or proud of it."

"You might not have noticed but i'm not the type of person to 'act happy'. So why don't you shut your mouth and stop getting all up in my business?"

"Ouch. That hurts," He puts a hand on his heart and fakes a hurt expression.

but I wont let him get to me.

"I don't care." I shake my head.

"Yes you do. You care about me, don't you? All the other humans in here have already been replaced, and Ive never even given my blood yet."

He is right. I told the guards at the door to keep him alive because I was using him for an experiment, and it was confidential. I didn't think he noticed. But now that he did-

"I also know that next, you are going to keep that emotionless mask on your face and your going to say something to protect yourself. Because you are selfish, you think that just because you are queen, you can do whatever you want and no one will stop you. You don't tell anyone what you are thinking, but I know that deep inside you are hurting. You want to let it out, so you just take it out on other people; seeing their emotions mask yours. They are thinking about themselves and forget about you. They forget about that girl with a twisted story, who has seen more than anyone should see."

I do something, then, that I never in a million years would have thought possible. something i haven't don't for decades. I blink, trying to keep that mask on. but with the intensity of his stare, and those words ringing in my head, I just can't. there is a crack in the wall that I can't patch up.

I shudder, look down, and I cry.

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