Trust me

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Nashi's pov
"Easy edgar calm down" i said to him because i felt his heavy breaths, we are now in front of the guild's door looking inside the window
"They're all here i can sence them" i smiled on his words he lost his cool and his smirk so his power became stronger and he can sence their presence but also i have to mension that i choosed this day because it's chrismas eve
"What do you expect on chrismas eve? " he nodded calmely..i saw him going down on his knee and touched the ground but i stoped him shooking my head i know what he's thinking on
"Don't... They need to trust you.. Give them a chance. I'll protect you deal" he nodded again. I took his hand and we started to walk to the guild we pushed the door to open and reveal every one looking to us in surprise and i can gess why..this is the first time without controlling magic
"Nashi get away of him" storm said running toward us ready to atack behind him luke, i steped quickly in front of edgar and shouted
"No..." The both widened in confuse as all the guild and if my eyes color was red now they would to atack me
"We're not here to fight.. Me and edgar want tell you somthing so.. "I stoped when i felt edgar's grap getting stronger so i looked back to see his angry eyes and a bit of fear i'm afraid that his loose his cool so i took his chin with my hand and said nicely with a smile
" look at me and ignore them... every thing will be okay"he nodded looking diply on my eyes. We walked toward the stage with every one glaring on us but i ignore it i'm only worry about edgar who was looking at me avoiding their looks
"First marry christmas every one second i beleve none of you want us here"
"Not you, him " storm said loudly making me get more worryed if edgar became very angry he'll lose controleon him self and on his power it will be a deadly power if he lost it i saw it before so...
"Not your busnies now we want tell you somthing more precisly edgar want tell you all somthing so... " i looked at him but felt my body freezing his not alright he's furious with his eyes are moving fast and he bite his lips, i have to relax him but how with every one's loud thoughts he can't help it.. Come'on nashi think think you can't tell'em to cut it off because they'll know it's bothering him and it will only be worse so..i stoped thinking when i remembered edgar's words 'there is two ways to read minds first by looking on his eyes second by touching his forehead' that's it, i took my shirt and cut a part of it with every one's eye on me but still edgar didn't felt it so i slowly steped behind him with that peace on my hand to move it in front of his eye he took my hand with a fast way but instead of leaving him i whispered to him
"Trust me" he left my hand to let me tied the peace then i touched his soft yellow hair and i could feel his sbudder i only smiled to step beside him and look at his hand who was moving trying to find me so i took it with a smile and put his palm on my forehead
"Smart as usual" i smiled like a child and i didn't know the reaso but i felt so happy
"I think that's why you like me" i answerd on my thoughts
"Well maybe you're right..and i beleve this happines is from thouching my hair it's spend two months and you wnt to touch it right"i jumped away of him when i felt my sheeks geting hot wait what i'm plushing
" right"i answered and every one widened in confuse exept luna and scarlet who smiled i beleve they knewwhat was happening right now i looked at edgar's smiling relaxed voice with his hand open waiting from me to come close so i did but after taking the microphone of master makorav and puting it on his other hand and say on my thoughts
"Trust me you'll do well and no matter what i'll allways be with you"
"Promise" i regreted this answer what would happen if we seperated like that i can't keep my promise what if
"No problem i andrestand it seem that i'll stay alone forever" he said gently to make a tear fall of my eye and i felt guilty with my heart falling apart
"I promise"
Luke's pov
I saw a tear on nashi's sheek then thank to my dragon's hearing abelities i could hear her whispiring
"I promise"i realy don't know what's going on here but i don't like and can't beleve sister is defeting edgar the one who cednapet her and hurt her and also cednapet luna.. Yes they told me every think
" well every one i..i... First i want to..ah"edgar said in stres don't tell me he's afraid i then found nashi taking his and put it on her forehead with a smile and once again thank to my ear i could hear her whispered to shok me
"I'm here edgar as i'll allways be who ever you are wherever you are....i trust you so go on" wait so that's what she promised with i looked to my angry father i beleve he could hear her because he whispered somthing to mom
"First of all i'm very seem that i selected the wrong road from the beginig 'thinking on revenge might make you stronger but will make you lonly' that what master oruka used to tell me and he was right i became lonly expect, i mean thank to scarlet and luna i would to be alone"
"Oh you're welcome ed" luna said happely but i don't andrestand she loved it
"Second i blame myself for what happened that day what i said to you father and mother i blame myself every day because i had to know that you only wanted to be proud of me i had to think ongood memories we had but back then i was only tbinking on revenge for words hurted me for bad memories and for being hated by every one and being lonly but i recegnized that real lonly came after that day when i lost my guild my family and freinds. Revenge created a monster who payed his social life for revenge ruined his picture by cidnaping three incent girls who never hurted me but fearing of being alone made me do oufel things and.. " he removed the peace of his eyes to turn and look to nashi's eyes very close and continue"only one girl could undrestand me somthing was wrong with her but i liked it..her strength even all the pain she loved me, cooked me food, prepared me a surprise on my birthday, cooked me my favorit desert "nashi intrupted him with a bright smile that i never saw it
" cookies"he nodded
"But still it's my second favorit desert"
"What??!! " she boiled of anger
"Yes.. My first is daifuku but your mind told me you can't do it" my sister got furious a shouted
"Edgaaaaar" he loughed and put his hand in front of her to stop with an innecent look
"I didn't promise you then i swear it was befor remember" we all widened on their way they're going along he's respecting her and she's joking with him i feel like there's a connection between'em maybe like mine with nashi and it seem that they have secrets and promises is he that kind?!
"Well not really but it's okay NOW FINISH YOUR SPEECH"she said the last part loudly with sirious way that made me laugh i missed that way i missed my sister i missed my angry lazy twin..every one looked at me as my sister who just laughed along with me she undrestood me then i felt her infront of me and she gived me a hug whispiring
" i missed you too bro"she then left and edgar helped her going up on the stage
"Well now i'm asking forgivniss of all of you" nashi looked at him in confuse and continued
"Just forgivniss well we're asking to come back to the guild we both or neither of us" he widdened looking to her shooking his head
"Shut up i promised to stay with you remember" he only stayed calm and looked to us in sadness and worry look
"Gramps are you deal with that cause i'm not that boy cidnapet my daughters" dad's loud furious voice was clear, i looked to luna who dissapered from my side after nodding her head to scarlet the both of them are now on the stage in front of nashi and edgar with a surious look
"No dad he didn't cidnap me or scarlet it was our choices to go with him and it was an act he didn't want us to lose our families for ever so he ruined his name, persenalty for us and never hurted us" luna said
"Right and it was only two times of controlling magic one here and one to protect us you see when we're controlled we be stronger" scarlet continued
"And he was coming here to ask about you about his family scarlet and luna's family make sure they're safe because he missed you and he knew they miss their familys but hide it afraid that he blame his self more" nashi continued whith a smile looking at every one"tell me isn't thata pure heart..father he removed me and luke's memorie to not make us feel pain even thought it was your idea but he accepted he protected me from a crocodile on the river once"she laughed on that memorie and he shook his head with a smile
"Oh please don't remind me" he said mockingly she smirked then looked to us and said with a surious tone
"We will return members on the guild together or leave it together" scarlet and luna nodded saying
"We too" i widdened along with the others i can't live without my sister any more pbut are they daring our parents
"Well well well you've all grown up especialy you edgar..." Master said to all of them "i knew you'll do well nashi that's the reason i wasn't worry on you and in fact i felt that you'll be his next move because your parents and storm told me about your curiousty... And i was waiting for this moment for a year now the moment when you'll apolegize edgar son you remind me of your father that's the reason i never lost hope on you so welcome back to fairy tailson as you nashi" i jumped of happiness but freezed when somthing unexpected happened edgar kissed my sister but i only smiled it seem that i'll stay single for another bit now as storm who lost his cool.. Scarlet and luna clapped for the both of them as i claped for sis and jumped on the stage to hug her tightly
"Uh.. Luke..can't breath" oh it seem thatmy happinesz was very strong i left her and said
"Welcome back sis..oh and by the way i beleve their's a lot to explain to me at home" she nodded silently then her eye fell with tears i looked behind me where she was looking to find our parents she ran toward them and hugged them very hard and started to cry like a crybaby
"We have to get used about our newcouple right" i nodded to luna and scarlet their funny, intellengt and tallented i then looked toward edgar's family to see aunt mira crying even hqrder than nashi and edgar crying on her arm with uncle loxus hugging the both of them and rose hugging ray of happiness
"What a happy ending" rin came next to me and said that i smiled to her and nodded she told me about her cruch but i apolegised i don't have any emotions for her but since then we became freinds and when nashi left she came to visite me alot that my parents suspected on us then i heard aunt erza calling
"Come'on kids it's presents time"
Finelly i mad it it i finished my first fanfiction 😄

I know it might was a sily story and i lost a lot of readers but it's okay and i hope you all liked it and thank you again for suporting this silly boring story.

And a last sorry for all the grammer and vocabluary mistakes😊
(See you soon)

You made me strong like ash(fairy Tail next generation)EditingDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora