Madalyn: Oh yeah, nothing like relaxing in the pool to start off the evening. Come on Optimus, take some time to relax.

I put my tablet next to me and Optimus's hologram appeared on a small floatie that floated on the water towards me.

Optimus: I'm not sure i enjoy this activity Madalyn.

Madalyn: Just relax. We've got plenty of time to search for Elita-1 and the Infinity Core. And besides, the next step is to get everyones Transformers evolved, just like you. Every fight from now on is going to be tough, that's why we all have to be totally ready for whatever Chaos Bringer throws at us.

Optimus: Your right. I conquer, a little relaxation is in order.

Madalyn: I hope the rest of the Titans are getting a little R & R.

Optimus: As do I.


Selina's P.O V.

After dropping off Maddie and the others the jet finally arrived back at my place and landed on the helicopter pad. The catwalk lowered and me and Najat exited the plane and walked inside.

Najat: Wow is this a house or a five star hotel? You've got it made Selina! I appreciate your parents letting me stay over. After such a long flight I need my beauty sleep!

Selina: Yes, well I'm sure you'll be very comfortable here. You don't need to worry about being late for school. My dad has already organized for you to be home schooled with me until you go back home, that way you don't miss you lessons. Besides, we need all the rest we can get for our future battles.

Bumblebee: Me casa eso casa me amigo. Heh, heh, heh!

Selina: Bee why are you speaking Spanish?

Najat opened a door into one of them rooms of the hallway and she was just beside herself!

Najat: Wow! This is my room?!

I took a glance inside and nearly fell on the floor laughing. I tried my best to hold in the laughs as I replied to Najat.

Selina: Oh Najat, you and your ironic sense of humour. This is your bathroom.

I pointed to the toilet in the middle of the room and a huge blush of embarrassment was on her face.

Najat: Oh, uh, I knew that!


David's P.O.V.

I was mediating outside in my backyard of my grandfathers dojo. The sounds of the water flowing through the pond, wind blowing, sugarcanes rattling against each other filled the air.

David: *thinking* If Mia is really a spy, then I need to find out.


Emanuel's P.O.V.

Emanuel: Heads up! Two coffees coming up!

I was back at my parents restaurant working my shift. My dad had his camera taking pictures of me while my mom ran the cash register.

Dad: Its so nice to have Emanuel back.

Mom: Yes dear, and if it wasn't for him this place would be a ghost town.

Girl customer #1: Oh by the way where's Iestyn?

Mom: He's out running a few errands I'm sure he'll be back in a while.

Girl costumer #2: We want Iestyn!

Girl costumer #3: Yeah where's Iestyn?

Emanuel: Hey knock it off!

One Goal Two Worlds (Transformers Legends) Book 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें