Random thought #14

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In the light of the dark your children are dying painful deaths.

It's all your fault, you threw them away to die horrible deaths.

People screaming, people dyin' in the front line of this accursed, eternal war.

Death has come, he has come to take you away. To do away with this damned war. Knowing this, will you going willingly or will you run and hide, run and hide from Death incarnate, because if you do know that you'll be hunted down, like a rabbid dog you'll be betrayed by your closest friends, you'll go from being loved to the cause of all sickness and diseas.

If you go with him this war will be over, your life for the lives of many.

Father please, do this for your sons, if not for them than for me, your only daughter.

Oh daddy I used to belive in you but now I see your an old man clutching at the straws of your roaylty.

All it takes is a single push, and down you go plummeting to your doom.

I don't know daddy should I make Death's job easy and kill you myself then claim the throne.

Daddy please make me see the light in the darkest night, bring us back to way back when you and mummy were still in love, before you sent my brothers away to die horrible deaths in the fronlines of this stupid war between to stupid fools.

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