"Ex-exactly! I knew you'd understand." He hugged you tightly then turned to leave, throwing comment over his shoulder. "Make sure you and Wells are safe!"

You watched as his purple form flew off. Another rumble of thunder lightly shook the area. You turned to find the Doctor already making his way to your car. You rush forward and help him into your wheelchair accessible car.

"Shouldn't he be back by now?" Wells asked as you closed the car door right before the rain started to fall.

You looked out your windshield, trying to make out Barry's form but the rain continued to fall, hard. Suddenly another earth shaking crack of thunder sounded and lighting lit the sky. Just barely and for just a moment, you saw a dark form moving around, but suddenly stop and collapse to the ground.

Without thinking you rush out of the car, completely ignoring the shouts of concern from Doctor Wells. Rain soaked you through as the wind tore at your hair and clothes. You ran as fast as you could, not once taking your eyes off the one area you saw the body of Barry fall to the ground in a heap. You slid to a stop as you neared his body, groans of pain reaching your ears.

You splash onto your knees, your hands reaching for his body, tapping his cheek. "Barry? Barry, honey please say something." You wipe the running rain off your face as you try to shield Barry from the worsening rain fall.

"(Y/n)?" His voice sounded strained and full of pain.

You touch his face gently. "Yes, yes it's me. Where are you hurt?" You searched his face, again wiping your face in hopes of seeing clearly.

"Leg. Right." He groaned again, taking one of your hands and squeezing it tightly.

You look down at his leg and gasp. Thin lines of smoke rose from a charged swath of melted suit and burned skin. As you got a closer look you could hear the hissing of the rain as it evaporated in contact. You lean over it, hoping to top the rain from hitting it. Barry groaned again so you squeezed his hand slightly. How in the world are you going to get him back to your car? Thunder boomed again.

That question was answered by the sound of a car speeding over. You look up, wiping rain and hair away from your eyes. Cisco jumped out of the slowed vehicle and rushed toward you. Neither of you spoke as you both grabbed Barry and shuffled him to the car. You grabbed his legs as Cisco grabbed under his arms. He was surprisingly light. You slipped slightly as you backed into the car, resting Barry's head on your lap. Caitlyn helped by closing the door behind Cisco and then hopping back behind the wheel, taking them out of the storm.


"I can't believe you let him go in there!"

"He looked like a little child, he was so excited!"

"(Y/n), he may not be able to run for a very long time!"

"Wells, he will be fine. Probably out for a few days, nothing more. Now if you could, Barry can't get much rest with you fretting over him. I'll call you when he wakes."

Doctor Wells takes a breath and nods. You watch as he leaves as you run your hand over your face. You then turn around and look at poor Barry resting on a huge medical bed you had installed after a few other incidences required him needing to sleep at the lab. You walk over to him and sit on the side of the bed, leaning forward a bit to wipe his forehead with a cloth.

"My gosh. I'm not sure who I'm more mad at, myself or you. You're so tall I'm not surprised you got struck. But on your leg? What were you doing, cartwheels?" You brush some of his hair out of his face then let your hand run down his arm to hold his hand. Your eyes widen when you feel a slight pressure.

"Something like that." His voice sounded rough and tired, but no hit of pain. "I was actually walking...running on my hands." You can hear the embarrassment in his tone though his face remained expressionless.

You look at his slightly open eyes with your eyebrows raised in question and surprise. "You and your stupid stunts." You shake your head as you chuckle nervously. "You are ganna be out of commission for a few days, despite your fast healing. The suit helped to not blow your leg off. The suit has my vote."

He chuckles but winces. "Yeah. I don't want to do any type of running any time soon." He turns his head and looks right at you. "Thanks for getting me. It was awesome before I got hit. You would have liked it." He raised his hand and stroked your cheek.

Your eyes widen. "Barry, I think you are a bit delusional." You stand and start moving pillows and blankets around him to make his rest a bit more comfortable. "I'll come check on you in a few hours. Get some sleep."

You look at him for a bit, internally chastising yourself for letting him go out there. His leg lay propped up on a pillow, his hair in disarray. You turn to leave but stop and look at him one more time. His breathing sounds peaceful and his body seemed to have relaxed. Before you could change your mind, you quickly walk over to him and place a gentle kiss on his forehead.

"Next time I'm coming with you and you are staying on your feet." You whisper to him then place another kiss on his cheek.

You turn to leave and are about to exit the room when you hear the faintest of replies.

"You got it."

Okie Dokie! So! Sorry it's been a while! Hope you all are enjoying them. Check out my Star Trek reader inserts/one shots if you are into that, cuz I sure am. Let me know what you think and keep being awesome! Caio!

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