Just my poetry rant.

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I mite have a little meat on my bones but so what.
My hair may be more kinky then curly but so what.
My skin is not as light as others but so what.
So what if I don't fit into society's image of a beautiful women.
That's not for society to judge.
If I feel like I am a beautiful women despite the flows pointed out by society then so what.
Don't degrade me let me be happy in the skin I'm in.
You shouldn't have anything to say unless you actually in my skin.
Step into my shoes and see how it feels to be ridiculed, criticized, and judged based on who you are.
How you choose to wear your hair.
How you choose to walk, talk and what you choose to eat.
Next you will be judging the way I sleep.
What if I say I love my habits even if there bad for me let me figure that out myself.
Whenever it becomes okay to be original that's when I will fit in with society but until then I will just be me.
A plus sized brown skin girl with a Afro that loves everything about herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2016 ⏰

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