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Riley's laptop begins ringing. She looks at the user name and doesn't know who it was. She clicks the accept button and continues to look down, finishing up her homework.

"Hey, you won't guess what..." He and Riley stare at each other.

"Uh, damn. I'm sorry for bothering you, I thought you were someone else."

"Obviously." They laugh.

"What were you going to say?" She questions the mystery, hot guy.

"Are you sure you want to hear? I mean you look busy."

"Oh, go ahead. I mean if you want."

"I asked out my crush, Isadora, and she said yes. Can you believe it?!"

"Well, congrats dude. She's lucky."

"I'm Farkle, weird name, I know."

"It somehow suits you. I'm Riley."

"How old are you Riley?"

"Woah, I just met you."


"Kidding, I'm 16 almost 17. Where do you live?"

"I'm 17 and I live in California."

"Aww, I live in New York."

"That sucks, what time is it where you live?"

"Almost 6, so it must be around 3 there. Am I right?"

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"Well my friend lives there. I video chat her too. In fact, she has the same name as your girlfriend."

"Really? What's your friend's name?"

"Isadora Smackle."

"That's my girlfriend's name! Wow, we were somewhat connected." Fate, was the world running through her head.

"Yeah, so you must be the one who she always talked about."

"She talked about me?"

She nods and says," Yeah, so I'm gonna have to give you this talk."

"What talk?"

"Ah, someone is gullible. The one that goes something like this, tell me how I do. If you hurt Isadora, I will hunt you down in California and make sure you don't have anymore babies, got it?" He laughs.

"That was great, and don't worry I got it."

"Riley! Time to eat!" Riley hears her mom's voice and looks at her laptop screen.

"Sorry, I got to go. Can we talk later?"

"It's okay, time zones suck. Want to talk after you eat?" Riley smiles and nods.

"Bye Farkle." She waves at her screen and Farkle waves back.

"Bye Riles, see you." Her nickname forms butterflies in her stomach. She hasn't felt like this since Lucas appeared into her life. Riley ends the call and lays on her bed. Someone barges into her room.

"Riley? Aren't you going to eat?" She looks up and sees her mom, she nods.


Farkle closes his laptop screen and looks at the ceiling. Meeting Riley was destiny, and it was great. Suddenly, Isadora came into his mind. He couldn't break her heart, but he didn't understand his feelings. He sighs.


Hey guys! Thank you to hartline for letting me use this idea! I have so many ideas for this . I decided that ship be Riarkle! The video chats are new for me so, bare with me! Also, writing in third person is new to me lol <3


These apps are going to be made by me and anything can happen ;))

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