Chapter 1

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Kitzuki up top^

Kitzuki's POV

"Where's the library again......curse this big school" I groaned out loud, "if I keep going on like this I'm going to miss all my classes" I groaned again. I've been walking for what feels like hours, you know what I think I'm just going to go read a book in the library.

When I walked into the library there were people talk. TALKING. I mean who talks in a library, I groaned out loud and a few girls stared at me. Their eyes turned into some weird heart shapes which freaked me out so I ran away from the library. While u was running I ran into a blonde hair boy that was much taller than me.

"Ouch" I said while trying to find my glasses, "ah I guess these are yours" the voice of the boy I bumped into said, while slowly putting on my glasses. His eyes were a purplish color, "t-thank you" I stuttered out. "No problem little boy" he said 'hold the phone did this boy call me a little boy' I say to myself in annoyance.

"Um I'm a-" Sorry I gotta go my names Tameki by the way" the boy said while running in the opposite direction. "Awe man I should have asked him where my classes were, damn you fate" I yelled while sliding my back down a wall, putting my head in my knees. A few minutes later I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"I'm guessing your the new transfer student that got here with a scholarship, Kitzuki Yuki" the voice said. I looked up and my eyes met pure silver ones covered by glasses, "y-yes that would be m-me" I stuttered out. "Are you lost by chance" the boy said, "y-yes" I said busting into tears. "Why are you crying" the boy said softly, "I've been looking for my class rooms all day, and these are frustrated tears." I sniffled.

"Ok" the boy said while fixing his glasses, "I'm Kyoya Ootori, here is your schedule, you've already missed you first 3 periods, I will show you to your new classroom for your 4 period then I'll get someone to show you around" Kyoya said. Kyoya started walking go off leaving me in the floor "are you coming or not I don't have time for cry babies" he said meanly.

This guy is not nice at all, he acting so sympathetic then all of a sudden he's treating me like last weeks garbage. No way in hell will I ever like this guy......oh if you can't tell I'm gay. "I'm coming hold your fangs you vampire" I said quietly. Kyoya started walking down a hallway pretty quickly, making it hard for me to keep up.

He finally stopped at a door, I was taking deep breathes from running after him, I'm kinda weak so I can't really walk as fast as he can, plus I'm as short as short can be I'm 5'2. You may think that's not short but it is, how would you feel if you couldn't reach the cookie jar on top of the shelf huh, HUH.

"This is your class room" Kyoya said while opening the door. "Mrs. Cara this is your new student Kitzuki Yuki" Kyoya said while leaving. "Ok Ms. Kitzuki you can go sit between Hikaru and Kaoru, they're in the back" Mrs. Cara said. 'What's up with people assuming I'm a girl I don't even look like a girl, I groan to myself.

Mrs. Cara I'm a boy" I said, "oh I'm very sorry" she said, "no problem, thats been happening a lot lately" I laughed, she smiled and continued the lesson. The people I guess named Hikaru and Kaoru raised their hands, I sat down in between them.The teacher continued her lesson, as I was writing down my notes the twins were staring at me intently. I wanted to come out and say 'what the fuck are you staring at' but of course I didn't.

When class was over I asked the teacher where I was supposed to go, she told me I have to go to lunch and that the 'Twins' would show me there. I smiled and thanked her, but in reality I was saying 'thanks a lot you put me with the weirdos' my thoughts were interrupted by two arms wrapping around my neck. I looked up and saw the twins and rolled my eyes "hey what's that for" "yeah what's up with you rolling your eyes at us" they said.

"Ok, could you guys please tell me why you were staring at me because that was just creepy" I said, the twins looked at each other and smirked. "Why are you guys smi-" I was cut off by one of the twins licking the side of my face. His saliva was cold but it felt good on my skin, "w-what are you two d-" I moaned lightly when the other twin kissed up my neck.

"S-stop" I stuttered out, they didn't of course, I know I'm going to regret this later but....I pushed them off of me. "I-I have to go to lunch, I'll find someone else to show me. Thank you very much for your help" I said hurrying out of the classroom. I passed by Mrs. Cara, and told her the twins had something to do, and if she could point me in the direction of the cafeteria, when she did I thanked her and walked off.

"Oh mom I don't think I'm going to be able to handle this school, first my gender is a confusion to everyone, and now I have perverts to watch out for. What am I going to do" I mumbled completely annoyed, I made it to the cafeteria in one piece that's a good thing. When I opened the doors, I saw the humongous cafeteria looked like a ballroom with tables.

"Oh my goodness it's to loud in here, maybe I can sneak a snack in the library...wait no I almost forgot the libraries are even louder than the cafeteria" I groaned, I'm just noticing in groaning a lot today. Well you know what it is a very upsetting day so deal with my groans and grunts.

I decided to go check around the school for somewhere quiet and peaceful to eat my 'packeted' lunch, like hell in going to pay a thousand dollars for a lunch here, when I can just go home and make a peanut butter jelly sandwich. I finally found somewhere, an abandoned music room "this should be perfect" I said.

When I opened the door the weirdest thing happened, red rose petals started falling from somewhere. When the rose petals were out of the way, I almost passed out in shock at what I saw and heard. There were 6 guys standing there, the twins, Kyoya, Tameki, and 2 others. "Hello welcome to the Ouran High School Host Club" Tameki said.


Hey guys so this is my first OHSHC fanfic so please only constructive feedback and punctuation errors thanks. I hope you guys enjoy the story, if you have any questions you can ask them on here or my conversation section :)

Until we meet again my little piglets :)

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