At first he didn't respond to my kiss but then his arms wrapped around my body pulling me to lay on top of him, as he bit my lip and I parted my mouth letting him slip his tongue taking full control of the kiss, the kiss left me feeling light headed, it was a kiss filled with so much passion and I knew without a shadow of doubt that I loved this man.

"I love you" I mumbled into his neck.

"What's that ya said sweetheart you gotta speak up"

I sat up looking right into his eyes and said those three small but very important words again. " I. Love. You." I didn't think someone could grin as wide as he did after those words left my mouth.

"I've been waiting for you to say those three little words for far too long, now that we established that you're head over heels in love with me I'm going to show you just how much I love you Liz." And with that he pinned me to the ground and begun kissing me softly and slowly making sure I was okay with what I knew was about to happen.

We made love under the stars and it was like nothing else I had ever done. I have had sex before but nothing like what I had just done with Evan, he woke up parts of me I didn't know existed. I was sure of one thing Evan was mine and I was his forever, I would never want another man the way I wanted Evan.

The months went by fast, Fall turned to Spring and we were a few short months from graduating. Me and Evan had spent the last few months studying, making love, kissing, studying, hanging out with family and friends and making love some more. No matter how many times we had sex it was always better than the last, and he always left me craving more. I never thought I would ever be this in love with somebody so different than me. Evan was everything I wasn't and in that he was perfect for me. Everything seemed to be going good until it all wasn't.

We had a family dinner once a week with both our families, this week it was Nancy's turn to be host and we were cutting up and acting like we always do until it got very quiet and Nancy broke that silence with one statement that would shatter my world.

"I am going to miss these weekly dinners with everyone when Evan leaves in a week" she said holding back tears as she looked sadly at her son.

"Wait what?" I asked as I looked back and forth between Evan and his mom.

"Oh sweetie I am so sorry I didn't know you didn't know, I am sorry Evan." she let the tears fall and stared down at her plate.

"What is she talking about Ev?" 

"Let's take a walk okay?" he said grabbing my hand and walking me towards the barn. 

I stayed silent because I was starting to get pissed off that he kept something from me and then I started to panic because he would only be with me for a week but why was he leaving. We stopped once we reached the barn we stayed quiet for a long time until Evan broke the silence. 

"I am going into the Marines, I leave in a week, I wanted to tell you but I never found the right time."

"How long have you known?"

"About a week..."

"So in the past week you haven't found an appropriate time to tell me that you were leaving"

"Yeah, I didn't want our last week to be spent in sadness I want to spend my time with you like we always do....happy, so I was going to wait to tell you"

"When? the day before you left or a few hours before you had to leave."

"Don't act like this Liz, I understand if you are upset because I kept this from you but we have to move past it and enjoy our time together."

"Damn right I'm upset, you kept something this important from me Evan"

"I know, and I'm sorry, look I know this isn't every girls dream life and I will understand if you don't want this type of lifestyle and I won't ask you to wait on me if it isn't something you think you can do. I just want you to be happy and this is a great opportunity that I can't pass up. Please understand that I chose this lifestyle before you came into my life, if it counts for anything I would go back in time if I could and not enlist." 

I didn't know what to say. The man that I loved and wanted to spend the rest of my life with is leaving and I don't know when I will see him again and I don't think I can live with letters and skype dates. I've seen my cousin and her boyfriend who is in the marines go years without seeing each other and she is stronger than me, I don't think I could be that girl that just waits around for one 5 minute phone call, I wouldn't be living my life I'd be waiting around for a chance to talk or video chat with the guy I loved, that isn't a life I want for myself. 

"Say something" he begged.

"I don't know what to say Ev" I said not daring to look up at him.

"I'm so sorry Liz" as soon as he said those words I let the tears I had been holding back flowed freely down my face.

"Please don't cry babe." he said wiping my tears away with his thumbs. 

"I have to go" I said turning to walk away, I was so thankful I had drove my car over here so I wouldn't have to face our families in the dining room. 

"I love you Liz with all my heart don't forget that okay" and the tears started up again, this was the hardest thing I had ever had to do. I was walking away from the only guy I would ever love. 


I wanted to say thank you for all the reads I love you all, and the sex scene was not graphic because my younger sisters read these books lol so maybe next time. Comment and vote and please let me know what you think! Love you guys!

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