No Homo

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This is a REALLY short one-shot! Sorry! I didn't know how to make it any longer. Oops. It's funny and cute, so enjoy!


It was picture day, so it was pretty normal. Mark and Jack were just walking down the hallway together, no biggy. It was pretty obvious that they both liked each other, but they are both wimps. So Mark and Jack not actually dating. Mark was like Jack's rock; he was always there for him, no matter what. He put up with all the insecurities, and Jack is very thankful. He would always tell Jack that he's beautiful, and everyone needs someone like him. 

As they walking down the hall Jack was asking him if  he looked good today. Jack needed to look good for the annual. Mark thought this was the perfect time to flirt. "You always look hot dude... no homo though," he said with a cheeky smile. Jack blushed a bit, but he was saddened when he realized Mark said no homo.

"SIKE!" Mark yelled as he slapped Jack's ass. He burst into fits of laughter, and, after he came out of shock, so did Jack. Everyone around them laughed too. Jack just looked over at Mark and kissed his cheek. Mark was shocked, but pleased. "I guess we're both full of surprises, huh?" Jack whispered as everyone was freaking out. They both had the biggest shit eating grins. 

And that was the real beginning of their relationship. All because of a fucking no homo joke.

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