Brooks Brothers (a janoskians fanfic)

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Chapter 5

Beau left my new room and I started to unpack my things.

“hey need any help with that”? Jai asked.

“Yes but you go back to your brothers and Skip and James” I replied not wanting him to leave his friends.

“Naaa its fine the are watching soccer I prefer football” he replied. “Wait you mean like Gaelic Football”? {for you people who don’t know what Gaelic Football is it is an Irish sport} I asked.

“What no I mean Australian Football” he replied like I had three heads.

“Yup that’s pretty much Gaelic Football except with different rules to it” I smiled back at him.

“ I still can get over how funny your accent is” he laughed.

I narrowed my eyes at him “Im the one whit the funny accent”?. “Yep” he challenged.

“SSSure” I reply back.

“Well you the foreigner!” he said back smugly.

“I guess I am” I said. I started to pack  my things away when I reambered that my phone was left on the coffee table down stairs.

“Jai were you looking through my phone “I asked.

“Nope” said popping the p.

“Alrighty” I said. As I ran down the stairs I hear laughs coming from the sitting room.

“Hey” I said while picking up my phone off the coffee table.

“Hey” Beau said.

“This is Aaron our friend” Beau introduced me. I put out my hhnd for him to shake it but instead he caught it and pulled me in for a hug.

“I better be off” I said and walked up the stairs to unpack some more. As I hit the top of the stairs my phone started buzzing.

“Hello”? I answered.

“Hey gurl hey” my friend Mason said through the phone.

“Heyy boy hey” I said back.

“How’s Australia”? he asked me.

“Fine oh wanna skype”? I asked.

“sure why not" he replied

a/n okay here you go I promised to update I will try write short chappies on my phone for ye kk.
Edited on the : 2.12.2014

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