Chapter Nineteen: A Proposal Gone Wrong

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Thank you songosama for the idea!

Batman's POV
I was on patrol in Gotham when I noticed a shadow behind me.

Catwomen's POV
"Selina!" I hear Bruce's voice.
"Hello handsome." I reply coming up to him before he pushes away.
"Give me the jewel." He said sternly.
"If you can catch me." I said
winking at him as I jumped across rooftops. I know I was the mother of his child but I still enjoyed this.
"Selina!" Bruce shouted. I sighed.
"Fine. Here." I said annoyed giving him the jewel back. Batman began to walk away.
"Wait!" I said and came up and kissed him passionately.
"We really shouldn't be doing this here on the rooftop." Batman said.
"We could do it in my apartment." I said inches away from his handsome face.
"I'm sorry but I can't. Helena won't sleep unless I get home." Bruce explained and I let him leave.

~Wayne Manor 10:30pm~

Helena's POV
I waited for dad to come home. I heard the door and footsteps. Dad came into my room.
"Hi sweetie." He said kissing my forehead.
"Hi dad. How was patrol?" I asked.
"Ok. Your mom stole a jewel."
"Did you let her off the hook?" He shook his head.
"Why?" I whined.
"It's justice sweetheart, and stop whining! Anyway you should get some sleep." He said kissing my forehead and closing my door.

Bruce's POV
I went to my room and looked at a ring on my nightstand. I remembered something. I was going to do something special, hopefully tommrow. I went to sleep.

~Next Day~

Cassandra's POV
I woke up to find Jason sleeping next to me. I looked at his sleeping face.
"Good morning." He said opening his eyes.
"Oh, good morning." I said caught off guard.
"Were you staring at me?" Jason asked.
"No. Ok maybe a little." I admitted. He smirked and kissed me.
"I've got to go." I say.
"Oh come on just a bit longer." I shook my head getting up as Jason went back to sleep. I got dressed and then kissed his cheek as he slept. I left through the window.

Stephanie's POV
I wake up and walk downstairs.
"Hi Alfred." I say wiping my eyes.
"Good morning Miss Stephanie." Alfred replies handing me a plate of French toast.
"Thanks." I say taking a bite of my French toast.

Bruce's POV
I wake up and call Selina.
"Bruce? What is it?"
"Are you free this evening around 7:30?" I ask.
"That's quite a specific time. Um...yes, I'm free. Why?"
"I can't tell you. It's a surprise."
"Oh really a surprise?" She said.
"*sighs* goodbye Selina."
"Goodbye Bruce." I hang up and walk downstairs.
"Good morning Alfred, Stephanie." I say.
"Good morning Master Bruce." Alfred says handing me a plate of French toast.
"Morning Bruce." Stephanie says with some French toast in her mouth.
"Miss Stephanie it isn't right to talk with your mouth full." Alfred explained. She swallowed.
"Sorry Alfred but I'm not a kid anymore."
"You're 17. So yes you're still a child." Alfred replied.
"What's with the ring?" Stephanie asks me changing the subject.
"It's nothing." I said. Tim came down and also asked me about the ring.
"It's non of your concerns!" I shout going to my office.

Helena's POV
I went downstairs.
"Hey did I just here my dad shout?" I ask Steph and Tim as Alfred handed me a plate of French toast. Steph was about to answer when there was a knock at the door. Cass and Jason came in.
"What are you to doing here?" Steph asked.
"Well I live here."
"Bruce asked everyone to come." Jason explained.
"Wants some breakfast?" I ask hold up a plate. Cass shrugs and eats the toast. Jason declines. There was another knock at the door. Babs, Dick, Bette and Kate.
"I didn't realize you meant EVERYONE!" I exclaimed.
"We'll go upstairs, and um Cass you might want to change out of your clothes from yesterday." Steph explained. Cass nodded and we walked upstairs with Tim following behind.

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