Chapter 1: Capture the Flag

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Hope you enjoy!!

Leo's Pov

Everyone was Busy getting ready for the fight this evening they all run,talking in speed voices and one even run with arm full of weapons and trip.

Reyna is supposed to be here..she has to be here,... talking to her servants (sorry) I mean people.

I still didn't got the chance to apologize about blowing her camp once and hey i was posses! i really don't know what was i doing and besides i really like her hair it looks so warm.

Perhaps a little stroll on the lake side trying to study where to attack and defense may help on evening's Capture the Flag than looking for a Warrior Queen who don't even take apologizing seriously.

I try to avoid the blind-spot trees where you can't be so sure if there will be a monster jumping on your face.

I heard a voice who were humming then singing to humming, like what you always did when you don't memorize the lyrics? yeah just like that. I follow the voice and found Reyna singing and humming with her dogs guarding her tail (really? How was i suppose to talk to her without getting shred into pieces?) but not for long though, Reyna flicked her fingers and the metal hounds retreated away.

I lean to a nearby tree and trying to look myself a bit decent so that i won't look like a killer on loose.

"Nice singing"i said with a grin on my face.

She jump a bit and took her dagger strapped to her waist."What are you doing here?!"

"that's not how you were suppose to say thanks when someone compliment you, you know?"

"Oh, it's you..."she seemed to relax but she was still holding her dagger.

I walked near her and i realized her eyes are sparkling.

"Were you crying?"

"No"she said firmly.

"Were you Lonely?"


"Are you Hurt?"


"You must be angry" She twirl around and suddenly the tip of her dagger was on my neck. (yup she's angry,alright)

"Talk once more and i swear i'll harm you" She ordered me and i just nod. Fierce Girl.

She starts walking again and i just follow her for a couple of minutes, it was like taking a tour on the Camp's site again.

I stepped on a twig and it looks like she just realize i was with her, She begun to protest why haven't i still leave she seemed a bit serious and i tried to ask myself is she making a plan on this night's games?. A horn blew, It was dinner already and we were late! I grab tight of her hand.

"What are you doing?" But i didn't answer her, Gods she's annoying sometimes!.

Together we run through the forest straight to the dining hall, Thank Gods they were still not all seated and some are just about to join the dinner.

"I'll take it from here" Reyna said,panting very hard.

She look at me then to her hand on which i was still holding, I remove it unwillingly (Of course! it's not everyday you get the chance to touch a beautiful girl's hand) and she head to the dining hall.

It was a pretty crowded and awkward place to eat, it was almost 4 days since the Romans share a place with us Greeks, we makes friend of them but not me no one even talk to me except Piper,Jason,Percy,Annabeth,Hazel,Frank,Nico,Connor and Travis Stoll, Katie Gardner and the rest of the Bunker 9 (maybe it's because i hardly go out).

There was a toast and a little speech before the war begins and Percy Jackson and Reyna Brought the Orange and Purple flags.

"Remember the Creek is the boundary line!"Chiron shouted "The Entire Forest if a fair game, magic items are permitted. Killing and Maiming are not allowed. I shall be your medic and Referee"

Dionysus step forward and said "And Let the Game Begin!!"

The two teams parted and Jason was forced to be in the enemy side since he's a Roman after all, Percy was giving everyone what they should do and Annabeth came to my side.

"Leo,I need you to guard the Boundary line" She said.

"The Creek? and missed all the fun?"

"Yes and no. Use your powers to stop everyone who wants to cross on our line.Don't leave your Post! Jake from the Hecate cabin is guarding the Flag."

"Sure! Leo the Supreme shall guard the boundary line! and Annabeth take some forces near the Canoe Lake I saw Reyna patrolling there" I said and she stare at me with her piercing gray eye and nodded.

The Fight broke out, I can hear there slashes of sword and bonking of Shields. I reach for my tool belt and start working with my hands, I just can't stand here doing nothing, my head would explode.

I start working my hands on the scraps i found on my tool belt and after a couple minutes I was holding a very small helicopter then i got an idea i take a peep on the enemy's boundary line and tried to look at who's guarding their Flag....It was Reyna.

I took out some rubber bands on my belt again and the small helicopter took flight to the opposite side and crash. It seemed to work perfectly! It got her attention,she took off of her post from the mountain of rocks and I took the opportunity i approach the flag and begin to climb without being seen, when i reach the top i removed the flag from the Rocks.

"And Where do you think you're going,Flame Boy?" A cold metal run through the back of my neck, i turn around and Reyna's Dagger was pointing to my neck again.

"Hello Reyna" I tried to grin, but it's not pretty simple when someone is pointing a dagger on your neck,wanting to cut through your very skin.

She lean much more closer than before and I swear i can smell her sweet hot chocolate breath brush through my skin,her eyes are fierce but still warmth to look.

"R-Reyna.." I manage to say. " move away"

"And why should I do that?"

"i'm slippin-" I didn't finish my sentence, I finally slip my foot from the edge of rock, while holding their flag, both of us fall from the rocks and I heard a small scream of Piper.

My shoulder were aching,I slowly open my eyes and i seemed to be holding a girl's hair then i realized, i fall with Reyna. No pun intended.

What i saw want me to faint, Reyna was on my top and it looks like i managed to save her head getting bump on he rock because both of my hands were on the back of her head and the worst (or the most splendid thing happen) my lips and hers brush, we lay their (eyes wide open on each other) for about a minute. I gotta admit it, it kinda make me more warm but...gods... i might caught fire, i'm already smoking!

"The Greeks win!!" Chiron shouted and it drift me back to reality, and Reyna seemed so too. She kinda push me and i also took a small movement away with my shoulder still aching, black spots were dancing in my eyes.

Piper rush over me with Jason and Percy with the flag on his hand.

"He's shoulder is bleeding" Piper said and pressed her hand on my left shoulder and i scream like a girl (man, that was embarrassing) and it appears his bones are also broken,Jason can you take him to the infirmary?" Piper ask.

"Sure, Pipes...come on flame boy"and Jason raised my good arm to his shoulder and begun dragging me away but before i can close my eyes i saw Reyna, holding her mouth and was staring at me with wide shock, then i heard Piper ask Percy like:

"and Percy where's Annabeth?...i need to talk to her"

A/N: Well how is that for starters? i'm very sorry i can't catch up with Leo's humor.. I'm still working on it! Anyways! Hope you Enjoy!!

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