What if

15 6 0

Sapphire's POV

"Angel, care to explain why you live in a warehouse. Even if it's really cool." Ashley said, looking around.

"It's easier to train without dealing with annoyed neighbors." Angel half joked, staring out the window.

"How'd you get the glass wall thing?" Ashley asked. She seemed to be slowly moving on from what happened and forgiving Angel. The thing with Sebastian probably helped.

"Various ways." Angel said cryptically.

"Helpful." Ashley replied with an eye roll.

"As much as I'd like to listen to you arguing, we should get to school." I said.

"True." Ashley replied, standing.

"You can borrow some of my clothes." I said, walking over to the drawers Angel had cleared out for me.

"So you're staying here?" Ashley asked, glancing between the two of us.

"Yeah. Cause she's my Protector and, you know. It kinda makes sense." I replied.

"There's no way you're dad's letting you stay with her. No offense, but I'm guessing he knows Angel's gay." Ashley said, going back to ignoring Angel.

"Yeah, he does know, but um... They've kinda been kidnapped." I mumbled, looking at the ground.

Ashley was silent. About a year ago, she'd started talking more with my mom and they'd had some good conversations. I guess my mom was like the one she never really had.

"I'm sorry." Was all she said.

"Yeah. He threatened to kill Angel." I joked, trying to lighten the mood.

"I'm glad I had a knife with me." Angel muttered.

"What?" Ashley said, looking both surprised and angry. "Why did you have a knife when you were at Sapphire's and why did you need it?" Apparently she'd decided to stick with being pissed off at Angel.

"I'm her Protector. It makes sense for me to have a knife. I needed it because her dad would've stabbed me if I didn't." Angel replied, staring at me. I met her gaze and remembered the kiss that caused my dad to freak.

"Why was he about to stab you?" Ashley asked.

"I kissed Sapphire." Angel said shamelessly.

"Holy shit." Ashley muttered, glancing between both of us. "Is there something going on between you two?"

"No." I replied quickly. Ashley looked at me like I was lying.

"Angel?" She asked, wanting to confirm what I'd said.

"No." Angel said. I glanced at her and saw her hands clenched, nails digging into her skin. Her eyes met mine and I could see the hurt.

"Angel." I said, walking over to her.

"What." Her voice was emotionless. I took her hand and moved her fingers so that her nails didn't look like they were about to cut her hand. After last night, I wasn't sure if she'd care if they did.

"About last night..." My voice trailed off when I remembered Ashley's presence.

"Save the lecture for someone who cares." She said, taking her hand from me and walking away.

"Yeah. Definitely looks like nothing's going on." Ashley said with a raised eyebrow. "When you say "about last night," it kinda makes it seem like something."

"Nothing happened." I said.

"Yeah, sure." She said, not believing me. Ashley knew me well enough to know I wanted to talk to Angel alone, so she pulled out her iPod and turned the volume up loud enough that I could barely hear it.

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