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Taylor Montgomery on her role in Captain America Civil War

Taylor Montgomery on her role in Captain America Civil War

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Here she is as promised, Taylor Montgomery. So tell us what is it like working with all those actors and actresses

It was a little intimidating at first. I was like oh my god I won't remember my lines and I'm going to make a fool of myself in front of all these amazing people. But then I got to know them. They are the most caring, amazing people I've ever got the chance to work with. They're all so funny and I love them all to death

We heard you have your eye on someone. Can you give us a hint as to who?

Um well I've known him for a long time. I would consider him one of my best friends

Will you ever tell him?

That I like him? No no no what if he doesn't like me back? And I have to go through the rest of this movie knowing he doesn't like me back

I have a little question. About two days ago we interviewed Tom Holland. Watch the clip

Do you have anyone special?

Yes. She is the most beautiful amazing girl ever

Why don't you tell her?

I could never. She probably doesn't even feel the same so

You like Tom don't you

Whaaaaaaaat? What, that's that's crazy haha

Well okay. One more question. What is Graces last name?

Oh straight to the point I see. Well I play Grace Eastwood

Can you tell us more about her? 

She is Peter Parkers best friend slash sidekick thing haha

Could you tell us your superhero name?

I play Elektra

Is she in the comics?

Yes she is. I actually read them before I got the role haha

Well you are making your way up there! Congratulations on your role. I hope your crush tells you he likes you or vise versa

Thank you and honestly I don't know. We talk as much as we used to. But it would feel really good to get off my chest. A girl can dream can't she?

Yes she can. Well everyone you heard it here. Taylor Montgomery playing Grace Eastwood or Swift in Captain America Civil War. Have a great day Taylor. Good luck with the movie

Thank you. Have a great day too. Thank you for having me

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