|5| -Punishment-

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My morning went like this:

   Sammy played the wake up call that sounded like a noisy trumpet. It's an audio being played through the speakers for the Commanders and Majors. Now at the center where the flag pole is at, stands Harry who is busy pulling the ropes to raise the flags. Then Louis to my left who's currently running with a gong on his hand while banging it loudly across each doors, is trying to wake those Cadets who are stubborn to get out of their beds.

   And there's me, staring at all of them while scraching my nape in disgust to myself. You see, I tried looking for something to do, but all of them occupied it. One of the reasons why I don't want to wake up the least.

   Today we were assigned to do the kitchen stuffs which I'm quite not interested in. Just thinking about the kitchen makes me cringe to all kinds of mess that are inside. I don't know but for me, kitchen is a really messy place and I hate a messy place. It gives me a headache whenever I see one. And I have this  attitude of being fond of fixing things to its proper place or structure.

   Now for our task tomorrow, we'll sweep all the dry leaves that fell from the trees all day.

   As I expected, the whole camp knew what we did last night. They are actually calling Sammy and I names like "badass" or "white chicks". But besides us being called by I-don't-know-where-they-got-those names, they also started disrespecting Harry like he's not their platoon leader. I swear if they won't stop chattering about us, I might put poison on their food. Maybe they are forgetting that we're assigned in the kitchen and I have a 99.99% chance of messing up with them. And no one wants that to happen.

   Now with them disrespecting Harry. It somewhat cheers me up since I hate him personally, but on the other side, I feel guilty about it. They don't know the whole story plus Harry doesn't really deserve this. It's not because I already have a soft spot for him, but he just did what he is supposed to do as a platoon leader. And if only Horan didn't butt in last night, we could have talked about it without the General noticing.

   "Sup' Harold? Now decided to chill in the kitchen with the chicks, aye?" One of his cadets taunted him.

   "Harry Potter! No wait, Harry Fucker!" Another one tried to piss him off by reaching his crotch teasingly.

   While holding a tray of breakfast on his other hand, he grabbed the bastard Cadet's hand with his free arm and replied furiously, "After this, you'll get what you deserve."

   "Oh yeah? Are you gonna give me the best night evah?" The cadet replied as he stretched his leg making Harry almost trip over and spill the tray of food he was holding. Good thing I was there to catch him up.

   I looked back and read the cadet's surname and it says Holter.

   "You!" I slammed down the tray and I picked up Cadet Holter by his collar.

   "Hey! Back off! What's your problem?" Holter asked while choking on his words. He wasn't totally expecting that a girl like me would dare to do that to a man like him.

   "Stop fooling around with him, me, or any of us because you might end this day up without your toothpick like dick." I spat those words at him slowly but accurately. Letting him know that I wouldn't hesitate to do everything I said.

   "Should I be scared now?" Holter chuckled, aggravating me even more. This scumbag should get what he's been asking.

   I reached down to my back pocket and flipped my butterfly knife. I pointed it to his neck really hard making some scratches on his bare skin. "Okay! Okay! Chill put me down." he cried out.

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