Chapter 2 *Sam's POV*

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*a few hours later*

I sat crisscross on my carpet and scanned my room. No call, no text, nothing. No knocking on my bedroom door. "Really Dean?" I bit the inside of my mouth and slipped the case off my phone, to reveal a new, metal blade. I slid it off the base of my phone and tossed it around in my hand a few times. "He always thinks he knows everything. He has the better life between the both of us." Why was I saying this?

Mom was gone, dad was gone, Deans slowly leaving. "I can't lose him. I just can't," I mumble.

"And you won't." A raspy voice calls out. "Huh?" "I'm watching over him, Sam." I turn around to see an averaged sized man in a tan trench coat, standing on the other side of my room. "Castiel. Castiel the second." His raspy voice calls out. "Castiel. The second?" I huff and stand up. "You can call me Cas. Like my dad." His voice was monotone, which annoyed the ever living shit out of me. Honestly, it creeped me out a little too. "Oh, and while you're at it, Sam. Stop hurting me, please?" He slide up a sleeve of his coat to reveal a couple horizontal lines. My heart stops as my eyes meet his arm, and then mine. "Oh, oh. I'm sorry." I put the blade back into my phone and Castiel sighs. "No you aren't Sam." Who the hell sent this guy?

"You know the 'guardian angel' your brothers been talking about? That's me." Was he reading my mind? "Just don't tell him, I will. When the times right." He props himself onto my bed and sinks into the mattress. "When the times right?" I stare at him, and slide myself onto my bed. "When he's most vulnerable, that is." I had so many questions, I had no clue where to begin. From why he was here, to who sent him, why he's watching over Dean, and where the hell he came from. Hell. Well, definitely not hell. Right?

"You're thinking of what to ask. Well- do you want me to tell you everything?" I nodded my head 'yes' in silence. "Okay good. Because I was going to anyway."

Cocky. He's definitely cocky. Aren't angels supposed to be sweet, and loving? "My name is Castiel. The second. After my dad, Castiel. He watched over you before, right?" I nodded my head 'yes' and he continued. "I come from up above. My dad, as you are thinking correctly, is the Lord, along with your previous angel, Castiel. It's my duty, as an angel, to watch over the people the Lord finds the most potential in."

"So my brother? Dean? Has potential. I thought he did before, but now?" I was shocked, in so many ways. "You're cocky, you think I'm cocky. We'll get along well." Alright. "Yes, Dean has potential. And so do you. The only thing different between you and Dean, is that Dean doesn't go carving nonsense into our arms."

I nodded my head and looked at him. "So how does Dean have potential?"

"He's the one who's going to save you, Sam. Again." Huh?

"And yes...You'll be the one to save him. Again." I took a deep breath and hopped onto the ground. "So, you read minds too?"

"Us angels can be powerful, in more ways than you'll ever know." So, so cocky. He gave me the 'I heard that' look and pressed his lips together. "Great. I have an angel watching over me, and so does Dean. Again," I mumble, as I pace back and forth. "I thought you had faith, Sam?" He makes his way over to me, with his hands in his pockets.

"I do, Castiel."


"Right, Cas. I do, Cas. I always have."

"So why do you?" His hands motion towards my arm and he raises his eyebrows.

"Because sometimes, Cas... Faith isn't enough to get me through."

"Faith is always enough to get you through, Sam."

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