The Best Snowball Fight Ever (Kai x Zane)

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Winter was here. Where everything is covered in white, sparkling snow and people get with their families. Everyone was doing just that, except for Zane and I. Cole was with his father, Jay went to spend time with his mother and father while Nya tagged along, and Lloyd was with Sensei Wu and his mother and father. Zane and I stayed and decided to hang out with each other.

I was very happy to stay with Zane because he's Zane and I also had a bit of a crush on him. I love his smile and his eyes. He's also so nice and caring.

Just then I heard a knock on the door to the game room, where I was, playing Black Ops Zombies.

"Come in." I said, but still keeping my eyes on my game.

"Hello Kai." I hear, along with the door opening.

"Hey Zane." I said, knowing that it was him. "What are you up too?" Zane walked over and sat down next to me.

"I was wondering if you wanted to do something with me today?"

I blushed a bit. "Umm.... sure. I'll do something with you today." I said after I thought for a moment. I paused my game, looked at Zane, and smiled.

Zane smiled back, which made me blush a darker shade of red.

"Ummm.... do you have an idea of what to do?" I asked after a moment of silence.

"Yes." Said Zane, still keeping his amazing smile. "But it's going to be a surprise."

"A surprise?"

Zane nodded. "I will tell you that it's going to be outside, so you might want to start getting ready." Zane stood up and walked to the door. Once he was at the door, he stopped and turned around. "And wear something warm." Zane then walked out, probably going to get ready.

I kept blushing and smiled. I got up and shut of my game and started walking to my room.

'I wonder what the surprise will be?' I wondered as I made it to my room and started to get ready.

(Time skip)


After about 30 minutes, I was ready. I wore my boots with my jeans and wore my red long-sleeved shirt. I also put on my really warm coat and wrapped my red scarf around my neck. I was hoping that it was warm enough.

When I made it to the door, I seen Zane standing and waiting for me. He also wore boots and his white jeans. I was guessing that he wore his light gray long-sleeved  shirt under his white coat. He also had a white scarf around his neck.

"Hey Zane." I said when I was standing next to him.

"Hello Kai. You ready to go?" Zane smiled, which made me blush again.

"Ya I'm ready." I finally said.

"Let's go then." Zane then grabbed my wrist and started pulling me to wherever we were going. I was smiling for the whole time.

After about 15 minutes Zane walked behind me and covered my eyes with his hands.

"Zane?" I asked. "What are you doing?"

"I told you it was going to be a surprise, so you can't look yet." I smiled as Zane started to lead me and after about five minutes, Zane told me to stop.

"You ready Kai?" Zane asked.

"Yes." I answered. I was so anxious to know where we even were.

"Ok." Said Zane. He then slowly uncovered my eyes to and amazing little part of flat land surrounded by trees and covered with shining show. One tree was in the middle of the little part of land.

"Wow." I said. "This is amazing." I never really cared for winter, but this was amazing.

Zane then stood next to me and looked at me. I looked back at Zane.

"I thought you would like it, even if you are more of a summer person." I smiled and blushed. Zane then grabbed my wrist again and led me to the middle of the place, which was next to the tree. Zane then let go of my wrist, bent down, and grabbed some snow. He then took a few steps back and started messing with the snow. I watched in confusion, but after a couple of seconds, I had snow hit my face.

After a few seconds I realized that Zane made a snowball and threw it at me. I wiped the snow off of my face to see Zane smiling and laughing.

'So you wanna play that game?' I thought while getting snow and forming it into a ball while Zane was busy laughing. I then threw it and it hit his face. Zane was shocked and I started laughing.

While I was laughing, I got more snow.

"I'm going to get you Zane!" I shouted, and started running after Zane, while he started running away from me. While we were having the snowball fight, the tables have turned many times, from me chasing Zane, to Zane ending up chasing me.

After about 10 minutes, I couldn't find Zane anywhere, so I stopped, a few feet away from the tree. I figured that Zane was hiding, so I grabbed some snow and made it into a snowball to be ready.

"Zane?" I called out. "Where are you?" I stood to see if I could hear him moving around, but I couldn't hear anything. "Come out Zane." I turned my head to the side to see if I could see him. Something then ran into me and knocked me down into the snow. I open my eyes and see Zane on top of me, smiling.

"I got you." Said Zane. I blushed the darkest red. I then laughed a bit. Zane got off of me and allowed me to sit up, but after I sat up, Zane pulled me down again to where I was laying on him. Zane and I both laughed.

After we were done laughing, Zane took hold of my face and smiled, a bit of blush across his face. Zane then lightly kissed me on the lips. I was surprised. When Zane pulled away, he laughed.

"Your face is as red as a tomato." Stated Zane. It caused me to blush even more. Zane then laughed again. "I love you."

I smiled. "I love you too Zane." Zane then kissed me again, while I kissed back. I broke the kiss after a few seconds and smiled.

"Why don't we go home for the rest of the day and get warm?" I asked.

"Ok." Said Zane. I got off of Zane and stood up. Then Zane stood up and hugged me from behind.

"Could we come back here again tomorrow?" Zane asked.

I smiled. "Of course." Zane then kissed my neck and started running off. I blushed and started to run after him.

When we got home, we ended up cuddling for the rest of the night and saving energy for when we go back. To me, it was one of the best snowball fights ever.


Hey guys!!! Finally finished this chapter!! I really like this one and I really enjoyed writing it. I hope all of you guys like it and enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it!! Leave a comment or vote if you'd like and I see you on the next update!!! (~•3•)~

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