The Goodbye (Epilouge)

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A while later , Everyone met up. "So, Sparklez, I want you to know I never would have stopped trying to bring you home." Ianite and Sparklez were sitting at a bar, chatting. It had been a bit less than a day since the last scene. Sparklez chose to have faith in his lady.

Maybe I lied. Over time, it was fine. Sparklez did not have to suffer his ladies death again. Maybe I just wanted to make it to 14 pages on Word. Maybe I wanted Ianite to be a good guy by the time the story ended. Maybe I just didn't feel like the story was finished yet. Oh well, it's finished now. Almost.

"I wouldn't doubt you, my lady. And I never stopped wanting to see you again." Sparklez was relieved that his lady was no longer aspiring dangerous power. He was also glad that she did not have to die.

Ianite took a sip of whatever she was drinking. "I'm glad to hear that. So, what did happen to you after you jumped? Where did you go?"

Sparklez chuckled. "It's a long story, but it sure wasn't home."


Yep. This is 100% the end. I promise.


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