The Proposal

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Mot, Firefoxx, Tom, and Sparklez were at the spleef arena when Ianite appeared dead center. She turned to face Sparklez. "Sparklez, I know you prayed to me for answers. What answers do you seek?" She seemed more detached and confident and less horrified of losing Sparklez. Now, this could be just because Sparklez reassured her, but no. She was even more corrupted by power, so she was not a scared of losing Sparklez as much. But he was still important to her. I still make the rules here. I'm the writer.

"I want to know about the spell, and when you will kill next." Sparklez knew he was acting suspicious, but Ianite would still fall for it- because it was obvious she had made him the most important person in her life, other than herself. Sparklez looked around. She poofed his friends out of the arena when she came. He knew they would be okay, though. Wherever they were, Ianite wouldn't want to risk losing Sparklez.

Ianite was in no way surprised by the questions. She knew they were coming, "To maintain the spell, I need a dead person's blood to refresh it. They need to be killed that day, so my next kill will be Sunday. "It was Friday. He needed to warn the traveler, help him escape and possibly stop the spell, and have Dianite use his already existing power to ki- no. She just needs to see that she can be just as happy without the power. "...And Sparklez?"

"Yes, my lady?"

"Please join me. The spell works on mortals too. We can rule together. You can become immortal. "Ianite proposed.

"I'm sorry, my lady, but I do not seek out power." Sparklez wanted to say, "hahaha no your freaking crazy I hate u such evil omg" Most likely, but he was choosing his words carefully. There was still that tension from the time he saw her kill. Still that fear, that disappointment, still distrust and hatred between them. Sparklez knew he should have picked team Dianite instead of creating her. It would have been so much easier. But it was too late. Ianite nodded in understanding, and poofed. His friends were back, all seeming disoriented. Being teleported probably made them dizzy.

The residents of Mianite knew that one traveler came in a day and left in a day, so they each planned to watch different areas of the town on Sunday. They knew Ianite would kill them on their way out, because then they are less likely to run into town shouting about a woman with a purple dress and a knife.

Today was Saturday. Sparklez had a nightly visit by Ianite again early in the morning. "Ugghhhhhh. How about during the day at night it's just creepy. "Sparklez tried to seem casual and not like he was plotting against her secretly. Shhhh. Don't tell her.

Ianite had a task for him. "Sparklez, I need something. An amulet owned by Tom. It was put in his base when he became Mecha-Dianite, and now he has possession of it. He wears it for pride, so you can't just take it from his base. He won't give it to you. I need you to kill Tom." She stared into his eyes, searching for a reason to trust him with this information. "If you get it, I can become more powerful and I can restore the balance forever. Please, just trust me."

Like Sparklez would trust her. She betrayed her meaning, and he had betrayed her. He also wasn't going to kill Tom. He didn't want her to have the amulet. She didn't deserve the power. What would she do with it anyways? Kill more people? Team with a resurrected world historian? He had to put on a poker face, though. "Anything for you, my lady. When do you need the amulet?"

"As soon as you get it. "

Hahahahaha yeah right as soon as he gets it he's going to bury it deep in the ocean. Maybe.

In the morning, Mot was the first to hear about the visit, at usual. He always knows what to do. "Tell tom. Have him take his stuff of and kill him. Then have Tom hide the amulet so you don't get caught with it, you hear me?" Mot knew exactly what to do because he was pretty uninvolved and had a clearer mind. Sparklez always went to Mot because I wanted Mot to be more involved with the story because I love him and his amazing character layers. I wish I could say that I don't make the rules but I do and this is my story, godammit.

Tom had moved into Nade's castle because it was so large and abandoned. Sparkles walked through the entrance to see Toms floating nametag through a wall. We walked over to the Mecha-Dianite. "Tom, Ianite needs an amulet from you, and she wants me to kill you for it. I won't do that, though, but I do need to kill you, give your stuff back and you need to hide or destroy the amulet, Okay?" Tom agreed to the plan, and soon he hid it inside a chest deep in the nether.

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