The Other Half

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While Martha was gone, Mot and Dianite were at Mots house being greeted by the injured Alyssa. She still didn't have her hand because Ianite didn't use magic to cut it off. Another issue was that Ianite used magic to stop the bleeding to make sure she didn't bleed out. Dianite was there, though, so he reattached it using magic before anything worse could happen. Martha left to the meeting spot they discussed and told them what had happened. It was hard for Sparklez to know he couldn't save her from this.

"I can't believe I come home to find out my own goddess had been corrupted, then she has to die?" Sparklez was right. She did die. 100%. But one thing was wrong.

Either Martha didn't sense it before or it's here now, Ianite was alive in this realm.

Martha interrupted the mournful celebration ton tell them,. "Something is very wrong. I can sense Ianite. She's alive and she's near."

The whole group was showered by shock (HAha it rhymes) and fear. "We need to find her before she finds us." Claimed Martha

They set off. One group went with Martha, The others went with Dianite.

Approximately Fifteen minutes into walking around in the cold, Dianite's team spotted her. She was draped in her purple dress, ripped, dirty, and she looked like she ran a marathon in mud to get here. (Haha 'marathon in mud' rhymes, too!)

She didn't want to hurt anyone. She hasn't hurt anyone in a long time. And Ianite did die. And Ianite is still dead. Don't forget that. Don't worry if you're confused.

This is a very confusing part.

"Ianite, do not bother fighting us. You have less power than I. But you will tell us why you are alive." Dianite took force of the situation, displaying his godly dominance over his godly sister. He could tell she was scared, but he thought she was scared of being punished for killing the innocent.

Ianite stood tall for a moment, but cowered back. "Dianite, I would like to know why you are alive, too. Last time I saw you, you had me kidnapped and put in that horrible place. Do you wish to put me back?" Ianite chose her words carefully, knowing Dianite could kill her at any time. I mean, who knows what the other Ianite did whilst she was gone? Who knows how many she killed?

See what I did there? No? Yes?

Dianite was as confused as the rest. "Ianite, do you remember what has happened since the natives jumped out of this world?"

Ianite did remember. She remembered every minute of it. "Well, I spent a long time trying to rescue you guys. One day, I found this spell. It said I could have double the power I already had, more than any god there was so far. It also said I had to kill every week to keep it running. I wasn't going to kill an innocent. I was only going to have the power for a week, so I could bring you guys back without actually killing anyone. The spell made me a clone. At the beginning, we had the same amount of power, and she seemed good, but... after a few hours into the night of us taking about what we could do, she had gotten much more power than I, and trapped me somewhere in the end. Day by day, I found myself getting weaker and weaker, to the point where I don't think I could have been considered a God anymore. I Became Mortal for a month or so, But now I feel my power returning. I am guessing she was vanquished. I promise you, it's the truth." Ianite was telling the truth. She did not understand why the natives in the group seemed to trust this Dianite.

Now does this make more sense?

Wordsare barely ever what make trust, but Martha was Sure Ianite died, so her storywas most likely true. It had to be enough, for now. 

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