Beyond the Walls (Shingeki no Kyojin fanfic)- Chapter 2

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"Cronin. Get up." I'm shaken from my slumber. I lift my head up from the table and look at my rude awakener. Of course it was Levi. I slowly stand up, wanting to punch him in the face. We had the weirdest friendship at times, either we were fighting or him trying to keep me focused when I got distracted. You could barely call it a friendship.

I remember when I was chosen to be in his squad. I was so excited to see a titan. I had grown up around the SC base so getting on his squad was almost a given.

"You're ready right?" he asks handing me a cup of water. I greedily drink all of it. I nod once I set the cup down on the table. "Good." he walks out of the dinning hall. I stretch and leave.

"Cronin, your supplies is outside with your squad and the two extras." a tan man in a SC cloak walks up to me. I smile at him in thanks. As I walk out of the large doors, I see my squad and the two others, Eren and Mikasa, all on their horses.

This was going to be a good mission. I grin and head over to them. A couple members salute me, I salute them back. My white horse was standing at the front of the group. I saddle up and turn to face my squad. I see Eren and Mikasa, looking confused.

"Some of you might be wondering what is going on," I smirk. "well I shall answer them now." of course, Eren raises his hand. I nod at him, giving my ok.

"Where are we going, Captain?" he asks.

"On a mission outside of the wall. Anymore questions?" I look around. "Good, let's go." I didn't leave anymore time for anyone to squeeze in a question. We were already behind and we hadn't even started yet. I lead my horse over to the slowly opening gates. The others follow me like little ducklings. I smile to myself for that comment.

I wave goodbye to the gate men as we file out. I breath in deeply, the smell of the forest fills my nose. I grin and we all charge into the open. I look behind us, the gates to camp were already shut tight. We only had a couple more miles until we get to the giant wall. If we keep up a good pace we should be able to get to the village near the wall by night.

I turn around on my saddle to check if everyone was here. Armin and Jane are in the middle chatting quietly. Phillip and Bagil are on the left and right flanks, being the biggest. Mikasa and Eren take up the back. Ren is behind me his eyes look distant, I call him up to talk with him. His brown horse soon comes parallel with mine.

"Captain." he greats. I nod.

"You seem to be out of it, what's going on." I look ahead of us, the top of the wall comes into view. Ren is silent for a moment. I glance over to him, his face is blank.

"I miss my family." he says tight lipped. I remember the first day he joined the military, I was there examining the troops. He had a sad look in his eyes and could barely salute without a tear escaping. When he joined the Survey Corps I recruited him and he later told me that his family was eaten by titans.

"I miss my family too, but you shouldn't wallow in the past, they would want you to be happy even without them." I put my hand on his shoulder. "Now fire the gray gas, we need to signal our arrival." I pull forward. He nods, his once sad face replaced with a determined one.

I hear the shot behind me and I gray smoke column flies above. The small village was in view now, it's houses had a warm glow to them, even a mile away I could feel the hospitality.

A blue smoke shot from on top of the wall appears, signaling them knowing we are arriving.

When the sun was setting we were slowly advancing through the crowd, trying not to step on anyone with our horses. A couple of people give me the stink eye, probably hating the taxing for Survey Corps spending. Others look at me and smile, I grin back at them.

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