Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Sam sighed as she twirled around on her swivel chair behind her desk. Alison looked up at her friend from sorting Swarovski crystals. Sam sighed again and slouched lower down her chair. "Any lower and you are going to slide off the chair Sam.", Alison warned and shook her head. Sam readjusted herself on the chair and went back to twirling round and round. Alison snorted and went back to sorting the crystals.

Suddenly, the soft chime of bell of the entrance rang. Sam and Alison stopped what they were doing and looked up. Two ladies walked in and looked around the shop. Sam stood up and walked towards them.

"Welcome to Ever After. I'm Samantha, how can I help you?" Sam greeted the pair. The younger lady looked up with a smile. She was beautiful. She was tall; her hair was a shade of bright red that went down all the way to her waist and emerald green eyes. Alison was definitely going to enjoy dressing this lovely young lady.

"Hi! My name is Evelyn and this is my mother Rose." the young lady introduced as the elderly lady came up beside her. Sam nodded and smiled at both of them. "I was looking for a wedding planner and Charlene recommended you. You did Charlene's wedding last summer. Charlene Lockheart?" Evelyn said nervously, as she pushed a lock of hair behind her ear. Sam nodded and smiled widely.

"Yes, Charlene! She was a wonderful bride. I can't wait to see her baby girl." Sam said excitedly Evelyn nodded and smiled, as did Rose. "Come, sit. Tell me how I can help you." Sam said and led them into the sitting area.


It was late afternoon and lunch service was wrapped up a while ago. His staff were preparing for dinner service while Damien sat at the bar and was looking at some documents. His friend Daniel looked from over the bar to what Damien was studying. "Is that David's menu for his dinner reception?" he asked, still leaning over the bar. Damien nodded without saying a word or looking up. Daniel smiled and moved away, returning a few minutes later with a cup of coffee. He left it where Damien would see it and return to his own work.

David was Damien's younger brother and he was getting married in six months. There was a ton of wedding preparation work to be done. David had asked Damien to come up with a menu for the dinner reception. Damien not only agreed to, but also offered to be the caterer for the dinner reception as a wedding gift to them. His fiancée was beyond ecstatic when David told her of Damien's offer.

His concentration was interrupted when he felt a warm hand on his thigh. He looked up and saw Veronica smiling and batting her eyelashes at him. He shuddered inwardly. Daniel was right; he might have to look for another manager soon. Veronica's advances were getting a little out of hand. Damien shifted uncomfortably.

"Damien. The first reservation for tonight is at quarter past six, and the front of house is almost ready." she purred softly. Damien shivered, not in pleasure but in disgust. He lifted Veronica's hand off his thigh. "Thank you Veronica. Although I need to remind you that this is my restaurant and I appreciate that you come to me as my manager and not someone that you are trying to bed.", Damien warned her and got off the bar stool to head back into the kitchen, ignoring the look on Veronica's face.


 Sam had finished her discussion with Evelyn and her mother. There was a lot that was to be done in a short period of time. It looks like it's going to be a summer wedding. Sam hoped that summer this year won't be too warm. Sam was right; Alison was oohing and aahing over Evelyn on her height and her hair. Alison was already sketching Evelyn's wedding dress. Sam laughed and looked down at her notes. She had noted that Evelyn had already gotten most of the big ticket items. All Sam needed to do was to get in contact with the vendors and work something out with them.

"What do you think of this?" Alison asked excitedly, holding up a sketch of a dress. "Wow! That was fast!” Sam exclaimed and took the sketch from her friend. Sam nodded in excitement. She could picture Evelyn walking down the aisle with a bouquet of pink and cream roses. "I think that Evelyn will love this dress. Although, knowing you, you will do up more sketches so she has options." Sam told her friend. Alison nodded and smiled. "You know me all too well." Alison said and went back to doing up another sketch of a wedding gown.

Sam laughed and put the date of Evelyn's wedding down in her calendar. This was going to be fun. Sam loved planning for weddings and Evelyn seemed like a fun loving bride.


Damien sighed as he slumped onto the couch in his apartment. It had been a long day. Dinner service was a mad rush tonight and now all he wanted now was to take a warm shower and get into bed. The life of a chef is such. Work started early in the morning and ended late at night. He was thankful that he had a very efficient and effective team of staff, both front and back of house. His thoughts went to Veronica and he shuddered. He really needed to look for a new manager and find a reason to fire her.

Damien got up from the couch and went into his room to grab his sweat pants and headed to the bathroom. After a long warm shower, Damien climbed into his bed with his iPad, hoping to do some reading before going to sleep. As he settled into bed, his thoughts went to Samantha.

It had been two weeks since they introduced each other and the train rides have become less awkward. Whenever they saw each other on the train, they would either smile or wave at each other if they were too far apart to greet each other, which was usually the case. That being said, they never actually really talked except for that day. Damien smiled as he thought of her long brown hair and her green eyes. Then he remembered the flying Kindle and laughed to himself and shook his head.

Forget the reading tonight. Damien got under the covers, laid down, resting his head on his hands, he stared up at the ceiling. Thinking of Samantha, he slowly drifted to sleep.


Another chapter up!! Yeah! San and Damien are thinking about each other. They are going to start interacting with each other more. Can't wait for that to happen.

I'm considering writing a Finding Love series. There are so many places that people can find love. There are the clichés ones like in a café or the office, even when reconnecting with old friends from college, university and high school, you can find love again. What do you all think? Let me know. =P

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Reis xx

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