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You tell me it gets better, it gets

better in time....

You say I'll pull myself together, pull

it together.....

You'll be fine!

Tell me what the hell do you know?

What do you know?

Tell me how the hell could you know?

How could you know?

Til it happens to you....

you don't know how it feels......

*2 weeks later*
Lamari's P.O.V

Today was the court date
someone I loved and trusted hurt me.
Hurt me so bad that even now I'm still in shock. You really don't know someone even after 2 years. I got some counseling, it really doesn't help. They don't understand where I'm coming from at all. I scared for people to touch me, I know you may think I'm overacting. I know everyone's not out to get me, but I can't help it. I can't change the past. I can't go back in time, and never meet Matt. Everything Happens for a reason right?


I slip on some jeans and throw a shirt on. My mind was all the way in the gutter. I've been out of it for a week, maybe 2. I step into my flats and walk out of my room for the first time in days. I thigh still has a slight tinge of pain every once in a while. The cast comes off in 4 days. My head has gotten better, I've been getting killer headaches though for the past few days. Darien went out to get me breakfast. My lawyer texted me, about an hour ago; reminding me that the trial was today. I sent back a thumbs up emoji.

I heard the front door open, as soon as I walked out of my bedroom. Darien walked to me, smiling;" here's your muffin and coffee."☕
I thanked him as he went to hug me I flinched away. He rubs the back of his neck, "my bad" he says. I give a fake smile nodding at his response.

I can't help but flinch away

I look a Darien seeing the hurt in his eyes that I caused. I sigh and eat my muffin. My eyes were red and puffy from me being up all night.
The demons in my mind took over; every night its the same nightmare.
The doctor says there's a 50 50 chance I'm pregnant. My best friend Audrey would be by my side at court. When I told her what happened, she went ballistic. She sleepover all week last week, she made me laugh a few times.

It numbed the pain for a while
But The pain came back twice as strong.

I'm afraid to take a pregnancy test,
I feel like I already know what it says.
Darien says no matter what he's got my back.

"We gotta go or we're gonna be late"
Darien says. I get up and walk out to the car. The wind was blowing it made me feel calm. We got into Darien's car and drove to the courthouse. Audrey pulled up right as we did, I got out and smiled at her.
"Hey Lamari, how ya feeling," she asks me.
"Surviving." I simply said

We walk inside and were checked by security. Then we were seated in our rightful places. My lawyer comes and sits by me.
We give each other a greeting, and I look around the room at all the faces that were to determine Matt's fate.

Exactly 15 minutes later, Matt came inside the courtroom, handcuffs on his wrists, and a blank face. I noticed the eye patch on his left eye.
Knowing I did that, made me feel sick to my stomach even if he did hurt me.
He did not look my way, which I was glad for. They sat down on the other side of the room, and the trial began.

We were up first to speak my lawyer got up. Her heels clicking on the floor, her face held great determination.
She looked at the judge and began to speak. "Mrs.James was raped by Mr.Smith", she paused and looked at the crowd, "not only did he rape her, he drugged, kidnaped, abused, and shot her. He also broke into her home" she says. The crowd gives Matt disgusted looks.

Matts lawyer wore a smirk, he got up looked at my lawyer, "she stabbed him in the eye, and Matt is Bipolar he wasn't on his medication that day."

My lawyer shook her head "that's still no excuse, he committed more than 5 crimes in one day, he should've taken his medication, and why is the jury now hearing about this? She questions.

Matts lawyer looks at the judge
" because that's personal information- " she interrupts him" that is needed in the case at the beginning not just once you get to the trail," she says.

Matts lawyer shakes his head " regardless he wasn't his self that day, that was the disease".

She smiles " no regardlessly he still committed the crimes, whether he took his medication or not it was his responsibility".

"When did this occur," the Judge asked

"Two weeks ago on the 2nd sir" my lawyer responds.

Matts lawyer brings me to the stand,
I walk up there, "is this something Matt would do?" He asks
"No," I say

"Which proves my point that he wasn't in the right state of mind," he says

"What if the next time he doesn't take his meds he lashes out and actually kills or hurts more people, you can't excuse him, just because he was out of it," she says making air quotes.

"But-" she cuts him off" just like when your drunk, or high, and you're not in the right mind you get charged its the same thing." She says

"No, it's not, they could help it, he cants its simple" he replies

She starts to speak but the judge cuts her off" I've heard enough we've had enough information to decide" he says
We get escorted out and were to come back tomorrow.
The next morning we made our way to the courthouse and got back to our places. My lawyer assured me that we would win this, and I relaxed.
Matt came inside again with handcuffs and a blank face.

Everyone one settled, and the Judge looked around the room calmly at everyone. He stopped at Matt and gave him a lowkey wink. I was confused, it looked as if everyone else didn't notice the wink. I fidgeted in my seat, " after all the facts about the crime, the jury and I discussed the fate of Matthew Greg Smith" I look worriedly at the judge, he looks at the jury then the crowd.
"And we find the defendant not Guilty".
Oh shiiit that just happened
I know Matt's happy

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Things keep getting worst for Lamari huh Oh Whale 🐳Niyhhhh Out Peaceeeee🐽✌Oh and Its Lamari James, not Tamari Jones If you're confused I sometimes mix it upMy bad My bad okokFr Niyahh out 🙄✌

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Things keep getting worst for Lamari huh
Oh Whale 🐳
Niyhhhh Out Peaceeeee🐽✌
Oh and Its Lamari James, not Tamari Jones
If you're confused
I sometimes mix it up
My bad My bad okok
Fr Niyahh out 🙄✌

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