Part Three: The Gift Of A Lifetime

Start from the beginning

Elton parked in Jeannie's driveway and absorbed his surroundings for a moment. The sun was shining so beautifully through the window, and it was so much warmer than yesterday. He got out of his car and felt the warm, rich rays of sunshine lie on his skin. 
"This feels so good." Elton closed his eyes and took it all in with one lengthy, deep breath. A gorgeous red robin was perched on a nearby birdhouse, and was chirping at Elton playfully.
"Oh hello there, little robin." He smiled, and walked up to the little bird. But it flew away before he had a good opportunity to look at it more.
Elton smiled to himself. It was such a lovely, pleasant afternoon and he got to spend it with Jeannie all by himself. His mind was racing with nerves as if he was the hormonal teenager! Nervous, but excited like a little puppy again, Elton went back to his car and opened up the trunk. There he had a large box with little holes in it- wrapped carefully with a red bow- sitting and waiting to be opened. He picked it up, and the box squirmed and wiggled violently.
"Heh heh," Elton chuckled, "Hang in there, little girl."
Also laying in his car was a bouquet of red, pink, and white roses, as well as a card. He somehow managed to place everything gently on top of the box, and carried it all to her front door. Slowly, he cautiously walked up her steps- nearly tripping a few times anyways- but he managed to make it there alive and unhurt. The box squirmed in his arms again, and he found it really difficult to carry everything at once and now ring the doorbell.
Frustrated, he set the box down but gently rested his foot on it so it wouldn't wiggle and squirm anymore. "One more minute, girl, I promise." He whispered to the box, and nervously rang her doorbell.
It took a minute before the door opened.  Jeannie was on the other side, gracefully wearing a very nice, yellow dress and a silver necklace. She nearly fell over when she realized who was waiting for her.
"ELLLLTONNN!!" She cried, and jumped up and down a few times. Elton chuckled and gently moved all the presents inside. Jeannie's eyes grew very large as she saw the big box laying in her living room. She could not believe... at all.. that Elton had came back for her... and had a special surprise!?
"Wot's the special occasion?" Elton joked, pointing to her very frilly, feminine dress.
"Oh, I don't know. I just felt like dressing this way." She looked down at herself for a moment, then jumped in the air with excitement a few more times. Then, she twirled in a couple circles until she ran out of breath. Exhausted, yet she still had enough energy in her to run up to Elton.
"Oh, and I'm so SO excited that you came back!! Elton!" She was getting quite loud now. Realizing that she was probably breaking his eardrum, Jeannie stepped back a little and tried to take some deep breaths.
Elton was laughing so hard to himself now. He could contain it- with a couple of snorts thrown in there, too. "Jeannie, you're so fucking cute..." he thought. This was the exact reason why he had wanted to come back to her. Her excitement was priceless, and it brought him a new sense of joy, pride, love, and companionship he had never experienced before. He couldn't tell if he was in love with this girl, or if he just loved her, but either way, he knew she was going to hold a special spot inside him forever.
"Jeannie, I have a couple of gifts for you. But you need to open this big box right away." He advised, and pushed the box over into the the middle of the living room. But Jeannie wasn't looking at the box anymore. She was mesmerized with Elton's face.
"Oh!" Elton said, touching his cheek. He felt the cut on his face from last night, still deep and red but no longer bleeding.
"What happened to your face!?" Jeannie sort of gasped.
"Oh, it was nothing." Elton smiled, but could not help but to blush very faintly. He knew very well that the cut was from a fight over her.
"Really, Elton, who hurt you!?" Jeannie walked up to him and tried to take a closer look at his cheek, but Elton shyly turned his head away and covered his cheek with his hand. He just didn't want to go off telling her the troublesome situation of last night.
"Please Jeannie, open your gifts. It was nothing, darling. Me and Bernie just had a few words with each other last night. We're okay now. I promise. Open your gifts." He speeded through the sentence, trying to get off the subject.
Luckily Jeannie was okay with that answer, and proceeded to gallop across the room like a little child again. Elton was so incredibly amazed with her personality and attitude- the mere way she carried herself with such strong emotions and such pride. At one point she seemed to be the most immature, yet funniest little 17 year old girl he had ever met. She seemed so innocent and pure like a baby- yet at the same time, she definitely had the honesty, opinions, and attitude of an older, wiser woman. She was a complex soul, which took Elton on a trip to discover her and her inner beauty. And he thoroughly enjoyed the journey she had brought him on along the way.
"Elton, oh my, what is in this big ass box?" She covered her mouth in a slight panic. She didn't want to be impolite for swearing.
"Oh I'm sorry-" She began, but Elton just proceeded with great bouts of laughter.
She continued to sit down and open the box anyways, which then squirmed and wiggled around as she handled it.
"Woah woah woah woah woah..." Her voice dropped into a firm, low murmur. "Why is this box moving? I'm scared. You don't have a snake in here right!?" Immediately she let go of the box and moved back, alarmed. 
Elton chuckled, "No no, honey, it's nothing creepy, I promise! You will LOVE it, Jeannie!" He smiled and his adorable gap in between his teeth showed. Smiling back, Jeannie was comfortable again to open up the present.
She neatly unwrapped the bow and unwrapped the box all together. There were little holes in the box, and it squirmed the more she touched it. She looked at Elton again for assistance once she unwrapped it.
"Go on, open the lid." Elton covered his smile with his hand.
"Oh... my... GOOOOOD, ELTONNNNN!!" The biggest smile ran across her face as she lifted up the lid and looked inside. The cutest Dalmatian puppy was waiting inside, looking up at her with baby blue eyes! Completely, utterly amazed with the gift and her new lifetime friend, Jeannie picked up the puppy from the box and cradled it like a baby. She closed her eyes and let the little puppy lick her face.
"So, how's that for a present?" Elton laughed and walked over to Jeannie. He knew her expression when she opened the box would be priceless, and it made his day.
Jeannie didn't even hear him. She was too busy asking other things. "But Elton, my mom would never let me have a dog, let alone a PUPPY... but it is my DREAM to own a Dalmatian! How did you know?"
"No, no... listen honey," He sat down next to Jeannie and pet the squirming little puppy, "This morning I called the hospital where your mom was staying. I talked to her on the phone."
"Really?" Jeannie's eyes were big- again.
"Yes, and I told her all about last night and how me and Bernie, well, "saved" you. She was so overwhelmingly thankful that she was crying over the phone." Elton chuckled as she watched Jeannie stare at him with sheer amazement.
"Your mom was telling me things about you. The things you liked, your hobbies, y'know. We must've chatted for over an hour on the phone." The puppy was twisting her way out of Jeannie's grip and made her way to Elton's lap, where she began licking his arms and fingers furiously.
"Heh heh, stop that little girl!" He baby talked to the puppy, who didn't seem to acknowledge that he was speaking to her and continued liking his hands.
"So your mom was telling me how you liked dogs, especially Dalmatians, and I asked her if maybe I could, y'know, give you a little pup, y'know, just 'cause..." He began studdering and broke his eye contact with Jeannie. He looked down at the puppy and his cheeks became rosey red.
"Wait, why did you get me a puppy?" Jeannie raised an eyebrow, but smiled because she was so darn excited anyways.
"You know, because- um, I like you." He began to speak quieter than normal, as if he were embarrassed or something. "And I saved you and stuff." He even started sounding like a kid.
"And stuff-" Jeannie laughed. "Elton, shouldn't I be the one giving you something for rescuing ME, not you!?" She jokingly took the puppy from his arms and kissed her nose, then continued to look at quiet and the self-conscious man next to her.
"Well Jeannie, I like to give gifts. Plus she's a companion now, to help cure your loneliness."
Jeannie stopped dead in her tracks at stared at Elton deep in the eye. That was so... so gracious and loving of a man to do that for her. She just had to stop and think for a moment, how unbelievably thoughtful an considerate this random gesture and act of kindness was. This puppy suddenly became so much more meaningful and close to her now.
Gazing upon Elton's intent, stunning, and greenish eyes, she could see the man before her very well. The cut that extended from his left eye, down his cheek and into his bottom lip, where it was sort of swollen, was bright red and a flush pink color. It looked brutal, but he paid absolutely to mind at all to it. His lips were very wide, well-defined, and fine, much different than her own delicate and soft lips. She was beginning to get so lost in his face, she almost forgot about the wiggling puppy in her arms. As she stared at his lips, she began biting her own, unconsciously. It didn't take her long to realize the overbearing feelings of wanting this man all of a sudden; it was sending a tingling sensation through her veins and down to her hands. She suddenly found herself wanting to kiss him, deeply and passionately on the lips. It was a feeling she had never felt before towards a man and a feeling she could not quite comprehend.
"Don't you dare even think about it. He wouldn't do it anyways." Jeannie told herself, and forced her eyes to look somewhere else. Her eyes drifted from his smooth lips to his thick neck, down his broad, muscular shoulders and down into his lap, where his hands were laid gently on his legs. His hands were shorter and stubbier of that than a "normal" man's, which bewildered her as to how this man could play the piano so incredibly well. His fingers were short, his palms were round, but his hands were all-round smooth and had little to no visible cuts on them. She even noticed his veins, not very prominent but they stood out from each of his fingers down to his wrist, and she never found herself so indulged in somebody's hands before in her entire life.
That's when she began getting the urge for him to touch her all over, and for her to explore his body and touch his hands that brought so much satisfaction. She was ashamed in her thoughts, and utterly disgusted.
"What the fuck is wrong with you? He's too old for you." But no matter what she told herself, she just had a deep, throbbing feeling in her chest that reminded her that she just had something for the man. She simply loved him, and it wasn't hard to notice, either.
Elton was too busy looking at the ground and out into space to really notice that Jeannie had been observing him. At last their eyes met, both shyly, but Jeannie would not let herself look away from the man who basically saved her life.
"Thank you, Elton, for this beautiful puppy- she will be my best friend forever. Thank you-" The overwhelming throbbing sensation grew as she leaned in towards Elton's body, and lowed he puppy down. She opened her arm up for a hug, which Elton willingly leaned in back towards her and returned a warm, sincere hug. Only he refused to let go, and he sat as close as he possibly could to Jeannie, snuggled up beside her body for warmth and compassion. This feeling inside Jeannie was growing so big that she let out a long, almost distressed sigh, though she was happier than she could ever be beside Elton and with her new best friend.
The puppy jumped up and began licking Elton and Jeannie's faces, almost as if she was trying to bring them even closer. She whimpered and whined when she couldn't reach their chins all the way.
"Awww she is so cuuuute!" Jeannie squealed at the little puppy, even though her constant licking was beginning to get rather frustrating. She let the puppy sit down in her lap again and chew on her fingers instead while she talked to Elton.
"Jeannie, this pup is from the shelter, too. They were going to put her down, but I saved her." Elton said.
"You're kidding?"
"No, once I told your mom about getting the puppy, she agreed, but asked me how in the world I was going to get the puppy the same day. I told her it was easy as pie being, y'know, Elton John and all." He almost blushed as if he had just became famous overnight and he couldn't believe it all over again, " And I thought I'd look into some local shelters first, so I could save a life. It didn't take me very long to find this one- she was an owner surrender and they were going to put her down at noon today. But I came along to her rescue her. And now she's yours, forever."
He smiled and put his arm around Jeannie playfully, only she took it much more seriously than that. "My god, he's touching me. I wish he would touch me more..." Her mind raced, not really focusing on the story of the puppy anymore. She knew how well Elton attracted her, and she just had to let the feelings go. She wanted him, she just had to stop denying it.
"You are such a kind man, Elton. She loves you for saving her!" Her sentenced ended as a baby talk towards the pup who was growing tired in her arms.
"Well, I just like to do good things for other people. And y'know-" He began getting up, and the puppy lifted her head and stared at him intently. She tilted her head as he stood up and walked to the entrance of the door, and picked up something from the ground.
Elton came back with a big bouquet of red, pink, and white roses, very neatly wrapped together. A beautiful bow bounded the roses together, and they were very real  and fresh with thorns on them as well. Luckily they were padded well, and it was one beautiful set of roses that Jeannie had never seen in her life. They were so perfect they almost seemed superficially fake.
Elton bent down on his knees, very silly and cliche, but lovingly and romantically- and bowed to her like she was the princess of his dreams. He was quite crazy but serious about it; gently handing the flowers to Jeannie and closing his eyes longingly, only to open them back up and see the wonderful Jeannie before his eyes again. Yes, he was surly in love with her, too.
Jeannie didn't even speak. She just kinda stood up on her knees as well and almost dropped the puppy. The pup didn't mind, she was too busy sniffing the flowers and investigating them anyways. Jeannie crawled her way on her knees to Elton and put her arms around his body fully this time, the flowers acting as a barrier between them with a sweet, fresh smell that was prettier than any perfume at the most expensive store. Jeannie lowered the flowers, as she almost began to sneeze, and began to squeeze his body closer and closer to her. She didn't try to let go this time, and neither did Elton- each time they would try to let go, their hands refused and held on tighter. Jeannie sighed in his tender, very charming embrace, finally closing her eyes and letting he emotions out. She wanted him so, so dearly, so, so badly... it almost hurt thinking about it. What she did not know was that Elton was hurting the same way, the same exact emotions were surrounding his heart.
When they did loosen up a bit, and Jeannie tilted her head backwards, Elton moved the flowers and took his chance, leaning in towards Jeannie slowly. She closed her eyes, and he gently kissed her on the cheek, for a very, very long time. To feel a man's wet lips on her, though it wasn't on her own lips, was more than enough to signal the tingling sensation all over her body and through her veins again. She moaned, very unexpectedly, out of the hormonal frustrations of her body being met with the deep pleasure of a man's undying love for her. "So this is what love must feel like then..." She confirmed to herself.
When she opened her eyes, she noticed right away that his cheeks were over the top blushing red and were very round again. His whole face had turned pink- a silly observation from a man who had kissed people of all sorts of ages and genders. It was then that she knew, and finally understood, that Elton was in love with her as well. They didn't have to guess anymore. And he was about to tell her, anyways.
"Jeannie, you need to know just how much I deeply love you." He quietly spoke, and held her up to his face to look into his eyes. Jeannie grew weak in his arms; her muscles loosening like jello. She was so in love with him now, she just wanted to say it back over and over again.
"Elton, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, uuughh I love you!" She moaned again, her frustrations being expelled from her body one by one. His love was the magical cure that sucked all of the loneliness right out of her- his love which would linger on the new puppy forever as well.
Before anything else could happen, Elton glanced over and noticed that the puppy was no longer biting and licking, but was in fact sleeping on the floor right next to them- already comfortable with her new home.
"Sweetie, did you see that?" Elton whispered, and moved his eyes to the puppy. Jeannie's eyes followed, and saw the sleepy little pup curled up in a ball with her feet in her face. She was an adorable little pile of white and black spots.
Jeannie set the flowers down right beside the puppy and leaned in closer to Elton again. She was still longing for more of his affection. A man's love was so new to her, an addictive drug she was already hooked onto. She just wanted to experience more and more new things with the man she had all the right feelings for. She was amazed  with just about every little move he made.
And Elton thoroughly enjoyed being the love of her life, the center of her attention- and he already knew what move he was going to make next. 
"Jeannie," Elton whispered, though it sounded a little rough. "I don't know what it issss-" His words were slow and lingered deeply in her ear. An overwhelming adrenaline rush took over her body, and she grabbed his shoulders to keep herself upright.
"I don't know why I love you, but I do... is it your irresistible blue eyes?" He smiled, then laughed, biting his lip in the process. It was an adorable little smile that sent Jeannie's hormones racing all over again!
"Or your cute little nose?" He took his finger, and pushed her nose gently like a button.
"Eeeeeee!" Squealing, she scooting her body closer to his embrace.
Elton held on her back with one hand, the other around her neck. He slowly massaged her neck, back and forth, back and forth- a calming and soothing motion that yet was still so sexy and exciting at the same time. Chills raced down her neck and back with every tender touch of his fingertips. 
"Or maybe..." He breathed; moving his hands up to her hair and running his fingers through melodically, "Maybe it's this precious, long, sexy hair of yours."
Jeannie suddenly opened her eyes, and they pierced right into Elton's. It was becoming so damn hard to resist him. One touch already sent her into a frenzy. Now the compliments, now a massage? What woman could back away from a dream man such as Elton? 
"Ellltonahhh... hhhhhh...." She moaned, inching her way closer and closer to his body and ultimately his heart. He just smiled and allowed her to press her head against his chest. Hugging her tightly, almost protectively, he looked at the little puppy beside them who was still fast asleep. How warm and sentimental he was feeling now, almost nostalgic. For he remembered the time when he was young, very immature and innocent like a little puppy, like... Jeannie. Maybe this was the reason why he loved her so much. He was reminded of the unmistakable purity and gullibility of a child when he was around Jeannie, though she was only seventeen and hardly a child at all anymore.
Closing his eyes, yet still very aware and watchful of his surroundings, Elton sighed in her arms and suddenly felt a small tear roll down his cheek.
"What in the world... am I... crying for?" He thought, almost angry at himself. "I can't wait any longer... I can't... oh Jeannie..."
He pushed the little Jeannie away from him; though very lightly to not hurt her, of course. And he just sat there, and sat there, and sat there while staring at her for a very, very long time. No words were spoken. They didn't need to be. It was as if their souls were connecting, communicating, and falling in love. The silence was all that was needed before Elton had made up his mind.
"Elton, I-" Jeannie was about to speak, but she was knocked to the ground suddenly. When she opened her eyes, she was on her back, staring at the ceiling and Elton's face above her. Through his glasses she stared at his deep, loving hazel eyes- the only eyes that would ever give her the pleasure and satisfaction she needed. His body was on top of her; and though he was much bigger than her- certainly much stockier, muscular, and bolder- it just felt right when he laid on top of her, his legs intertwined with hers.
"Elton," She tried to speak again, but she was interrupted. Elton had put his hand over her mouth softly, and whispered, "Shhhhhh...." right beside her ear. Heart racing and adrenaline kicking, Jeannie was not prepared for what tricks he might've had up his sleeve. 
Elton let go of her mouth and pressed his forehead up against hers. It was the closest Jeannie had ever been to a man's face. The romance he had given her, the support and the unconditional love- it was finally starting to sink into her head that this man was truly in love with her, and nobody could break, bend, hurt, harm, or stop this intense connection now.
With his glistening eyes staring deep into her soul, he whispered so quietly it was almost inaudible: "Close your eyessss..."
Jeannie obeyed, but was very reluctant about it. Even though she desperately wanted his love so badly, she was tense and uneasy. She tried to keep her clumsy mind out of intimate and sensual moments like these, but it seemed impossible. Of all the different men in this world, she found herself madly in love with Elton John, whose body was on top of hers and arms were wrapped around her. It was going to be hard to control the anxiousness in her veins and heart.
"Elton, I'm kinda nervous-" She squeaked a third time, his lips only an inch away from hers. She grabbed onto his smooth arms, and nervously sighed. She could feel him breathing gently and rhythmically near her lips, with every breath he exhaled she inhaled with ease. Everything felt just right, but everything inside of her was now so insecure. Was this really what she wanted?
"Close your mouth, Jeannie.... hah..." He moaned, with a little laugh at the end. Jeannie listened, and closed her mouth; biting her tongue to keep herself from speaking again. With her eyes closed and her mouth kept tightly shut, she was a victim of Elton's love, and she surrendered to his every move. His hands went up her shirt, touching her in a comforting, repetitive movement like a massage again. But that wasn't what was giving her the adrenaline rush of her life, it was his lips, that were now so close they were about to touch hers.
"Lay still, everything will be alright, I promise." She heard him whisper, at least, she thought so. She didn't feel his hot breath across her lips as he spoke. Was she imagining things? Was she just so engaged in the moment in indulging all of his love? Maybe... she was dreaming? Whether he spoke it or not, the words were enough to keep the anxiety down as he began to make love to her.
It was the most natural feeling in the world when Elton's lips pressed against hers tenderly. He didn't hesitate to let his love shine though the kiss passionately, and in return Jeannie ate it up. She didn't have time to think about what was happening, and she really didn't care. Eyes closed, she could now pay attention to his love in a whole new way- listening, tasting, and feeling the kiss all in the moment.
Jeannie's arms were shaking, though she didn't realize it herself. Elton however picked up on this, and took his hands and pressed her cheeks together, giving him a more plumper surface to make love to. He was going to show her what it felt like to be loved and to be cared for in the most sincere, earnest way possible. And by golly, if he was going to leave her eventually, he was going to make a memory for to last a lifetime!
With his hands exploring her jawline and cheeks, and his soft, wet lips kissing her so carefully, so strategically, Elton made sure Jeannie was having the time of her life. Jeannie had never felt the deep and raw loving spirit of a man in this way before. She could literally hear nothing... no sound at all except for the ticking of the clock in the distance, and his lips all over hers. She could even taste him, which was actually very, quite pleasant. She didn't expect for his love to taste so sweet and delicate, it was the most irresistible- and well, different- flavor she had never expected before. She swore she could taste and smell delicious peppermint on his lips, suggesting that he was chewing gum not too long ago. All the while she had been feeling extreme emotions and feelings for this man, and now she had grown closer than ever to him.
Now that she had kissed a man- though to some it may have seemed like such a simple gesture- she had learned a million things about herself as well. It was more than a spiritual awakening for the both of them. It was a new beginning and a new way of life.  For the outsider- an ignorant fool who would be disgusted at the sight of an older man kissing a girl- these tender moments would be met with the utmost hate and criticism imaginable. But for Jeannie and Elton, only their love could teach them what no other person could do. For Elton learned what it was like to be pure and innocent, and learned to be the kindest, most considerate man he could be. In return, Jeannie had been given the love she needed to cure her brooding loneliness swelling deep in her heart. A fair exchange for two people of completely different ages, genders, and backgrounds, perhaps?

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