Part One: Vacant Town

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It was a cool, dark summer night in a small town near Atlanta, Georgia, circa 1989. The leaves of the trees were blowing slowly in the wind, the air was just cool enough that it seemed to nip at your skin. And yet it was mid-July; much too cold for the average summer night.
A young girl sat alone on a rusty old bench near a street corner. The streets were incredibly bare- no car to be seen for miles on end. And yet you could hear the bustling nearby city right beyond the trees. It was very unusual how that town survived- in the morning it thrived with older folks taking a bite out for brunch, in the afternoon it became a popular hotspot for teens, and in the evening everybody did their last minuting shopping. But at night, you could practically take this little town off the maps. It was so incredibly vacant and lonely; it seemed you could control the traffic with a simple "on and off" switch.
The girl looked around blankly. There was nothing to do but sit and wait. She had been waiting for hours for a ride that never came. It was nearly midnight now, and the overbearing feelings of loneliness and despair were really beginning to set in. She scooted in closer to the streetlight that shined down upon her tiny and fragile body. She sighed. The night was growing longer and the cold was lingering around for forever. Shivering, she took some of her bags that were around her from shopping and wrapped them around her for warmth. It was a pitiful sight to see for anybody that dared to walk down these deserted streets at night.
There was a sudden howling in the trees that was quickly followed by an abnormal silence. The only thing to hear was the beating of her heart crying desperately inside her chest. Then she thought she saw a shadow appear across a wall in front of her, and she froze. There was somebody there.
Surely enough, a tall, black figure emerged to the side of her eyes. She darted her eyes wildly to take a glance, but never moved her head or acknowledged the figure's existence. The figure was a good half mile down the road, so she could not make it out at all. Still, it creeped her out just enough to make her scoot all the way to the edge of the bench now; directly underneath the streetlight.
She sighed again and began thinking to herself. What was she going to do? It was probably past midnight now, and nobody had a clue where she was. Had she not spent and lost her money, she would've had a few spare change to call up her mother on the payphone. But she spent all her big money on shopping, and accidentally lost the little bit of change in her pocket for the phone. So she was stuck- nobody knew she was out there and nobody could pick her up.
She took another glace to her left. The shadowy figure was closer now. She could just make out a head and broad shoulders, but no face. It was all blacked out. It wore dark clothes, probably a hood, and had no hands. Or perhaps they were inside pockets. Either way, she could make out a very large man- and he was walking a bit suspiciously, too. Still shivering, the girl closed her eyes and wished that the figure would disappear. But when she opened them, it only appeared closer than before.
The night was just too eerie and unnerving, especially for a young girl to be hanging out around alone. As the night progressed, it only grew colder. Up in the sky lied a bed full of dark, grey clouds, but no stars, indicating that a storm was likely to occur. The moon shined faintly behind the thickness of the clouds, only appearing every once in a while to light up the streets. Light was so scarce around the little town that you could see the few glowing neon store signs from miles down the road- they were so crisp and clear that you could possibly read them, too.
Glancing to her left again, now the figure was alarmingly close. She nearly jumped out of her seat as the hair stood up on the back of her spine. "Who is that?" She thought to herself, the voice inside her head trembling. She could see the man's face pretty well now; although it was dark she could make out a scruffy, grey beard and dark, round eyes. His facial expressions were dull and lifeless, as though he wasn't really a person but just a mysterious spirit who was the result of a person's excessive imagination. He wore a dark coat and a hood that casted a chilling shadow across his face. And he was approaching the girl faster than ever, with a distinct limp in his walk that sharply caught her attention.
She was just about to get up and run when she noticed that he stopped walking. He was staring at her, with his hands in his pockets still. Although his face was blank, his stare was of something that she had never seen before. It was kinda evil, almost a sinister stare that went deep into her bones. Her eyes widened, her heart nearly pumped out of her chest now. He just watched her. And watched. Until suddenly he turned around and took an abrupt turn out of her vision and sight.
She sat there helplessly again. "What the hell was that?" She thought. "I don't know where to go. This creep is going to find me. I'm going to get picked up by this pedophile and taken away. He's probably going to kill me. And I'll never get to say goodbye to my family, and I'll never get to live a life or die in peace and-"
Frantic thoughts raced through her head as she silently panicked on the bench. She contemplated running for the big city and out and away from this horrific, vacant town, but she knew she would get exhausted very quickly. She was just too tired to walk anymore, even with the adrenaline kicking in through her veins. Then a car appeared out of nowhere, the first car she had seen in hours. It took a turn around a corner and began driving down the street in front of her. It was a black car, very sleek and shiny and new. In fact it was so shiny that the streetlight glistened upon it and blinded the girl as it pulled up in front of her at the corner of the street.
She looked inside the car and could make out two people, but it was too dark to really see their faces. The man in the passenger seat leaned his head back, and she could clearly see that the man driving had some sort of tall hat on, like a top hat or fedora, and wore glasses of some sort. None of them appeared to look the same as the creep she had seen earlier. Then the car turned around the corner and disappeared instantly. Once again the young girl remained alone. Although it surely didn't feel like it anymore.
Scratching her head, she looking around dazed and confused. Everything began feeling like a dream to her. Was she really there, alone and desperate on these empty streets? Was a ride finally coming to get her or would she be left alone until the morning dawn? Was this man who followed her really there, and if he was, where did he go?
Just as she thought about the man, she turned around hesitantly, praying that the man was not coming up to her on the sidewalks behind her. It was that instant when her head turned around that her vision was completely, unexpectedly blocked by a tall man in a black suit. He was accompanied by a slightly shorter man in a denim jacket. Jumping out of her seat and dropping her bags, she yelped a near-blood curdling scream that echoed far down the bare streets. She then lost her balance and fell to the ground; face-first into the cement.
Terrified for her life, she leaped back up into the air without any hesitation and began to make a run for it, but one of the men stopped her by grabbing her arm.
"Hey, I'm sorry! Please don't run!" One of them said. He didn't sound like a creep at all, but rather forgiving and very real. She stopped resisting his touch immediately, but she didn't feel comfortable to turn around yet.
"I'm sorry for scaring you, but we want to know what's wrong." He continued to say, holding her arm gently. He didn't force her into his arms, unlike a creeper. Clearly this man was on her side. She slowly glanced behind her, but still didn't turn completely around. She knew not to trust the unknown.
The second man spoke. "We saw a rather sketchy looking man a few streets down and thought he was up to no good. Then we saw a young girl like you and it just looked like a disaster waiting to happen."
Boy did their voices sure sound familiar.
At last the girl turned around and faced the two men. Still very shy and uncertain, she refused to look at their faces. She noticed immediately, however, how differently the two men dressed. The man who grabbed her arm was definitely the same man she saw in the car- he wore a top hat and a very elegant, black suit. He also wore very tall, leather-like boots that nearly added a foot to his height. He was no poor guy at all- he appeared very well-off and dressed very classy. In addition to his unusual clothes, the girl also knew that he was from nowhere near Atlanta, as he has a very noticable English accent. The man to his right resembled more of a cowboy though, he also had an American, almost Californian accent. He wore lots of denim, as well as dirt brown cowboy boots. His shirt was tucked in his pants and his shiny buckle glimmered at the girl. They appeared to be good friends.
"We can't imagine why anybody would be out here in a town like this, especially a young girl. Is there something wrong?" The man in black said. He sounded sincere, so she figured she would finally talk to him.
"Y-yeah... I'm strand-ded h-here..." Her voice shook from all the adrenaline still inside of her. She was still terrified, and it was as plain as daylight. The man eventually let go of her arm, realizing that he was probably intimidating her.
"Don't worry darling, we're not here to hurt you," he chuckled softly with his friend, "like he said, we saw a creepy guy down the street and we want to help you. I think I'm about to call the cops if that guy gets anywhere near this street."
The girl's face lit up. Was she finally being saved? Would she be safe after all? She wanted to look up and take a glace at these two baffling and random men, but she just couldn't bring herself to it. She continued staring at their feet.
"I, um, I have been being followed and like, chased by that man. I just want to get our of here. I-I'm scared and I just want to go home!" She whined, just thinking about if that pedophile had been behind her instead of these two nice men.
"Oh shi-shoot," He stopped his swearing and covered his mouth in dismay, "He's been following you? Okay... we're definitely getting you out of here." He sounded rushed and hurried, and she could tell he did not like the idea of her being out here with this creeper at all. She was, at last, relieved that someone had come to save her.
"But would I really would like to know," the second man spit in, " is why you're out here alone in the first place? It's so dangerous."
The girl shook her head; she knew very well how scary it was out here. She decided to belt out the story all at once. "Okay," she began, "so my mom dropped me off to go shopping here this afternoon, and I had spent all my money shopping. I had planned to save a couple of spare cents to use for the payphone, so could call my mom and tell her to pick me up when I was done. When I called her, she was apparently at the hospital because she broke her leg going down one of our steps at home, and she won't be home all night. She said she was going to try to get somebody to pick me up, but it apparently never happened. She's probably passed out sleeping at the hospital now, and I don't have any spare money to call someone anyways. I think I lost the few spare change I had."
"Woah woah woah, you mean nobody else knows you're stranded here except for your mother?" The man in black asked.
"Y-yes sir."
"Oh dear. What a situation-" He sighed and closed his eyes for a brief moment. The other guy nudged his shoulder and chuckled, "Jeez girl, what did you buy that was so expensive!?" This resulted in a chorus of laughter from the two men that livened up the vacant, little town. Even the girl smiled a little, but she answered him seriously.
"Oh, just some shirts and figurines, and a really nice necklace-"
"Oh darling we were just kidding!" He laughed and put his arm around his friend for a second.
"I noticed you like looking at our feet a lot." Joked the man in black, walking towards the girl and bending down to get a closer look at her. "Look at me." He demanded, although sweetly enough that it appeared as though he was merely begging.
The girl was so shy that she only took a glance at him at first. He was wearing very fancy, black, circular glasses. Finally, she forced herself to look down into his face, which was very yellow but crystal clear in path of the streetlight. He had very deep-set hazel eyes that pierced right into her soul. Astonished by his unexpected appearance, she blinked and was compelled to take another look at him, this time even longer. His face was very round, like a baby face, and he had a very curvy, prominent chin. She had never seen anyone quite like him before, except for very fashionable and classy models in old, vintage magazines. His nose was also round like a button, and his cheeks and lips were fairly plump for a man. When he smiled, many lines formed in the corner of his eyes and mouth. He had very pearly white teeth with a little gap in the middle. Everything she noticed about this man appealed to her, and she had to allegedly admit that he was sorta cute. "What the hell am I thinking...?" She thought to herself, "He's probably like 40 and married or something." She tried to talk herself out of getting lost in his face any more.
The man smiled once she got a good look at his face. "Anyway, my name is Elton John, you've probably heard of me and this-" he pointed over to his friend, "is Bernie, one of my closest friends."
The girl looked at him confused, but excited in a sort of strange way. She knew Elton John. She liked him and his music very much, but was this really THE Elton John in front of her? Saving her from this disastrous pedophile and lonely streets? No wonder his voice sounded so similar. No wonder she had this urge in her to keep looking back at him. He was fucking famous. Now the question was, what was HE doing out on these streets alone?
"Wait!? Really!? You're Elton John!?" Her voice cracked with excitement as she stared into his eyes again. Smiling, she asked him why he was also here in this town.
"Bernie and I were doing some errands, believe it or not, even though we're on a little vacation... or a "break" if you will. We like to do most of our things at night where less people are around. You know I have a house around here in Atlanta- and we were trying to get back home and decided to take a shortcut through this town. So glad I did because I honestly don't want to think about wot would've happened if we didn't see you." He stopped and cleared his throat for a second, "Which reminds me- we really need to get goin' before this creepa catches up on us." Wow, his accent was thick.
Bernie looked around, and indicated that the coast was clear. Then Elton stood up and and held out is hand for the girl to hold. She looked at him, and then down at his hand. Well what did she have to lose now? It's practically anybody's dream to be saved by their idol, let alone Elton John! She took his hands, which were surprisingly soft and not too rough, and he guided her to follow him down the street.
Every step she took, her heart pounded heavily. But she knew she was secure with them around. Surely two men could beat up one? And they were so concerned for her safety, too. She just couldn't wait to feel safety and comfort once she was in the car with them. In fact she nearly started to get excited at the thought of it. At last she would be out of the cold too, which she jut noticed that her ears and fingertips were going numb. Although she couldn't confirm if this was from the cold, or nervousness, or both.

Finally the car came into view and Elton and Bernie helped the girl make a run for it. It seemed like forever until she reached the car handle and touched it.
"You can sit in the front darling, so you can show me where you need to go." Elton said, looking at Bernie who gave him a playful, dirty look. The girl smiled and got in on the passenger seat; her butt sank in the rich leather like it was made of memory-foam or something. "This is one elegant, expensive car..." she thought, admiring the clean interior. Bernie got in the back and Elton finally got behind the wheel and took off with a scene- the wheels of the car screeching, the smoke trailing behind.

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