chapter 12 (diffuse)

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good afternoon lovelies! I hope you all enjoy the chapter and that you're having a wonderful Wednesday, if you're not, let me know? Please be sure to comment and vote, I really take your guy's feelings into consideration while writing.

Okay sorry for the rambling, here the chapter !

She lays there with her hair tousled and she holds her arms our for me to come to her. She still half asleep and the appearance on getting of her right now is nothing short of angelic.

"What is it?" She asks sleepily, her morning voice proving to be even more innocent than how she looks right now. My heart beat speeds up, I've never done this kind of thing before, what could I tell her, how should I tell her?

"I- I um.." I trail off for a moment but regain my soul. "I missed you baby. " the words come out smoothly and I immediately feel awful at the thought of keeping this from her, but I have to, she'll never forgive me.

"I missed you too," she whispers into my chest barely audible and she rubs her eye, lifting her knee up close to her chest for a more comfortable position. The guilt rises in through my chest and she opens her eyes, "what's wrong?"

My mind fought me on the right thing to do either way she would have to find out, I just- i didn't think I could bring myself to say it, not to those eyes.

"Me and Shaina we um, we-"

She sat up and gave me a look that could kill. "You what," she says and I run my hand through my hair.

"We were on the porch and she started kissing me-" I say breaking off because I needed to see her reaction to know if I should keep explaining. Her smile has dissapeared, the once sleepy look in her eyes gas now been replaced with hurt, and she's no longer laying down, she's scooted far away from me. I needed to tell her everything. "We were making out and she was touching me and I -"

"Stop." Her voice rings out through the air like the shot of a shot gun. She is standing up from the bed and she is looking down, at an unknown object.

"I'm so sorry M, I know what I did was awful and-" she begins to walk around, grabbing a pair of jeans off the floor and a t shirt off a neatly folded pile on her bed. She begins taking off her clothes and putting on new ones. "What are you doing baby where are you going?" I question and she turns around and gives me a look of nothing but sheer exhaustion and sadness.

"I need to be alone," she says heading over to her bedside table grabbing a thing of keys. "I'm going out, I'll see you later Charlie. " she says and she slams her door shut.

I stand up off the bed and jog to the door, "Marie!" I shout through the house ignoring how late it is. Braden's already out of his room and trying to talk to Marie but she just says she needs to have some time to herself.

Marie's p.o.v

The rain was falling lightly as I drive, awful thoughts clouded my mind but they were all targeted at myself. I should've never said okay to dating him, I had it made up in my mind that I didn't want to, but I did it anyways.

I found an old 24 hour diner and pulled in. I walked in and talked to the cashier for a moment, ordering some french toast and a coffee. I sat in a booth in the back corner, I began Browsing through college applications and things, dating right now shouldn't be a big concern of mine.

A boy brought my food over and he has a friendly smile on his face. "Out of town?" He asks, setting my plate on the table.

"For the summer yea," I reply tiredly, he gives me a warm smile.

"What brings you here at 3am sweetheart?" He asks, accent lacing his tone, he wasn't from florida, most likely Alabama.

I stretched my legs out in front of me, propping my feet up in the booth across from me. "I needed a break from reality." I admit softly and he pats my shoulder.

"Don't you worry, things are gonna work out honey." He says positively and the act if kindness is enough to make me want to cry.

The French toast was amazung and after a while I got bored with college applications and began reading a story I had had saved on my phone for a really long time. I has so many new messages but Braden was the only one I would text back.

Braden-"hey please be safe M, it's really late and people are idiots out on the road."

Me-"It's okay I made it "

Braden-"What happened M?"

Me-"I don't want to get into detail, but shouldn't have agreed to date Charlie."

Braden-"I'm sorry, I wish I could help"

Me- "It's not your fault cuz don't worry about it, I'll be home soon. "

Braden-"okay be safe"

I finished my meal and thanked my waiter, he told me to have a safe drive and I drove back home. The rain had stopped, but all of my emotions hadn't, especially when I pulled into the drive way, my stomach was in knots.

I walked up to my room, saying hi to Braden on the way, and when I opened the door, I was shocked.

My room was spotless, it smelled of rubar and vanilla, and my small desk light illuminated the room perfectly. My batter was about to burst so I walked into the bathroom, more surprise hitting me. Candles were lit and placed around the tub, which was completely filled with hit water and bubbled and.. a bath bomb?

There was a small note on the tub next to a wine glass filled with my stawberry lemonade slushy drink.

I know you don't want to talk to me, I just wanted to say that I feel awful and I wish I hadn't even stepped out on the porch with Shaina earlier. Please just know that you deserve the world baby, I don't deserve someone as amazing as you, I hope this relaxes you a little. And hopefully maybe you'll be willing to talk to me soon, I am truly sorry and I hope you get some good rest.

Talk to you in the morning beautiful

I sighed, slightly smiling at the sweet gesture and began to take my clothes off. Dipping my feet into the bath I began to relax immediately, I saw how on the back of the not he has tried rewriting a few different times and it all seemed nice. I just knew one thing now.

You can't date a boy like Charlie, not this early at least.

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