Chapter 13: As Time Flies~

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(A/N:) Hey, I know it's been a while but here it is- chapter 13 :P)



Jonathan's POV:

I awoke to the faint sound of my phone buzzing on the nightstand and cracked open my eyes. Reaching out, I lazily grabbed it and checked to see who it was. It was a text from Brock.

'Hey Jon, I'm getting on the plane now and I was wondering if you wanted to record when you got back home later?'

I thought about it and decided that it'd be fun. I was about to text back my response when I remembered what Evan had said yesterday.

'Dat be chill but Evan and I are staying another day so it'll have to wait till tomato' I responded quickly.

'Haha It'll have to wait until tomato?'

I realized what I had texted him and chuckled slightly. 'Dammit auto correct u bitch!'

'Lol well anyway, I'm boarding now. Talk to you later.'

"Who's that?" A voice asked from behind me and I turned my head to see Evan standing near the bathroom door with only a pair of shorts on. He was dripping wet, attempting to dry his thick black hair with a towel as he waited for me to respond.

"Moo..." I muttered, staring at his shirtless torso. I quickly looked away and changed the subject. "I thought you were gonna shower last night."

"Nah, I was too tired. And I never realized how refreshing it is to shower in the morning." Evan stated, making his way to his bag to grab a shirt.

"What are we gonna do today?" I asked, sitting up.

"Hm, how about we hit the strip and go shopping for a bit?" Evan suggested.

"Sure, I wanna get a sick pair of sunglasses." I said and stood up, getting my clothes for the day.

"Do you even wear sunglasses?"

"Hey, I guy can dream!" I exclaimed, causing Evan to laugh at my sudden burst of energy.

"Shut up and get dressed already." He said and I huffed, going to the bathroom to change. I had picked out a dark blue button up shirt and casual khaki cargo shorts which was probably the most fashionable I've been in my entire life. But then again I don't usually go out into the public FANCY FANCY. "Well, don't you look nice," Evan said from behind me, I turn to see him looking me up and down. 

"Evan, get the fuck out," I hissed, blushing hard. I know that he had touched me before and I had felt his hands against my bare skin but this was different. The feeling of his eyes on me, mentally undressing me made me a bit hot and bothered and definitely uncomfortable.

"Fine! Fine, but just so you know, if you want time to get your sunglasses, then we gotta get going." Evan said, stepping out of the bathroom.

"Just gimme like five more minutes." I said, needing to use the bathroom before we went shopping.

"Damn, I never knew how high maintenance you really were." He teased with a chuckle.

"I gotta fucking piss, leave me alone." I laughed, shutting the door loudly.

Soon the two of us were out the door. We had decided to walk since we were only a few blocks from the shopping center and it was a nice enough day outside. The sun was brighter than hell and it was hot, but still nice. Walking down the sidewalk was actually rather relaxing, the wind whisking my hair around my mask and whistling in my ears. I loved it. Maybe, just maybe, I should go out more often.

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