Tyler Joseph: 8:45 am

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1:30 am
I tossed and turned not being able to sleep in a half empty bed. These past few months were filled with restless nights. I sighed and stood up. I walked around the empty house and saw the time.
2:00 am
Six hours and forty five minutes. I started planning out what I was going to say. Maybe I should start with a kiss? I shook my head and headed down stairs.
3:00 am
Five hours and forty five minutes. That's how long I had to wait to be whole again. I paced the empty living room and I pulled on my hair. I was stressed and frustrated.
I plopped down on the couch and rubbed my belly. How was I going to tell him? I checked the clock.
5:58 am
Three hours and twenty seven minutes until my doom. I stood up and got in the shower. I wonder what his reaction will be?
6:30 am
Two hours and fifteen minutes. I got dressed and grabbed my keys. I headed to the airport and picked up some McDonald's on the way. I ate my food in my parked car.
7:45 am
One hour left. I got out of the car and headed to the airport. My footsteps echoed in the eerily empty parking lot. I brushed my (h/c) hair out of my face and I let out a sigh. I checked my outfit for any loose food. I was wearing grey sweatpants and one of his hoodies. It was early and I honestly didn't care. I walked into the airport and sat down.
7:50 am
Time seemed to slow down as it got closer closer. I waited impatiently for the plane to arrive. My nerves getting the better of me I started biting my nails.
7:53 am
I didn't want to look at the clock again and see that time has gone backwards. I struggled to stay calm as I waited for him to arrive.
7:59 am
Why couldn't the plane arrive earlier? I double checked to make sure I had the time correct.
Forty five minutes. How am I going to tell him?
New message
Dipcrap ❤️: hey babe, about to land. Can't wait to see you
8:45 am
I stood up and walked over to his gate. People started coming out and reuniting with their families. First I saw Josh and he walked over to me.
"Hey! I missed you!"
"Miss you too."
I kissed his cheek and Tyler was right behind him.
"Hey babe."
"I'm pregnant."
Josh turned to look at me with a huge smile and Tyler chuckled.
"Not the welcome home I expected, even better."
He bent down and kissed my belly before kissing me.
That's how I wish it would've happened.
"Hey babe."
"I'm pregnant."
Josh turned to me with wide eyes and a shocked expression. Tyler beamed with happiness, but that soon turned to confusion.
"It's not mine."
Tyler looked at me in sadness and he shook his head.
Josh looked down and so did I.
We both nodded and Tyler looked hurt.
"Let's talk about this at home. You can explain this there."
We nodded and followed Tyler.


"So...when? How? Why?"
"When you came back for that party."
"Since then?"
"You had ditched me and I felt like shit so I got drunk. We were both drunk and I know that's not an excuse."
Tyler looked at me and nodded.
"I understand."
"Why are you being so nice about this?"
"Because, we all make mistakes."
"This would be so much easier if you were yelling."
I sighed and Josh stood up straighter.
"We wanted to tell you, but we didn't know how. We weren't sure when to tell you."
"How long?"
"Three months."
"Do you know?"
"No, not yet."
Tyler nodded and he looked from Josh over to me.
"Why didn't you just tell me?"
"We tried. I convinced her you wouldn't hate her and we even had it planned how we would tell you, but every time we tried something got in the way."
9:58 am
We didn't say anything for the longest time. Tyler was the first to speak.
"Yeah, we're gonna raise this baby. All three of us."
"How is that gonna work?"
"Well we'll make it work."
I nodded and Josh stood up.
"I really hope this doesn't ruin anything."
"Josh you are still like a brother to me. We all make drunk mistakes, and I'd be a hypocrite if I broke up with you (Y/N). Because I did that to you once and you stayed. We're going to make this work. I can't lose either of you, you're so important to me."
"I love you."
I smiled at Josh and Tyler as they hugged.
"I love him more."
Tyler nodded at me and he went upstairs.
"You think he bought it?"
Josh came over to me and kissed me.
"I'm gonna be a dad."
"You are gonna be a sexy ass dad."
We kissed again and I smiled.
"You know, I wanted to believe you weren't actually cheating on me. I wanted to believe it so badly, but all the signs were there."
I froze. I turned to look at him and I chuckled.
"Well, at least now you know."
"Alright cut!"
I brushed my hair out of my face and we all went to the snack table.
"I absolutely hate this short film."
"They make me cheat on you."
Tyler placed his finger under my chin and placed a small kiss on my lips.
"I absolutely love this short film."
"Because I met you."
"Oh you guys are disgustingly adorable."
"Just like you Josh."

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