Chapter 2

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This is really short. 

Inukimi pov

I was walking around the castle I have been feeling quite uneasy espeically with the panther demon maid who just showed up and started to work.

"Oh inukimi is something bothering you?" Mikayo asked.

"A couple of things really first that panther maid second a familiar presence and third no grandchild yet."

"Ha inukimi if you keep worrying then you will get wrinkles." I chuckled at the woman's comment.

"So when is asami's birthday?"

"You are so impatient it's december 7th less than 6 months to wait." I sighed oh how much I want a grandchild.

"So what about the familiar presence?"

"My mate." We stopped talking to watch the cat maid as she was watched my son and daughter-in-law. Panther demons and dog demons so not get along at all I stood and walked over to my son and asami.

"Hello lovebirds how are you?"

"Great thanks."

"Sesshomaru, asami answer me this who can't you trust?"

"Family?" Asami answered.

"Mother why are you asking?"

"I'm distressed my son maybe you should fire some maids." I was happy to see that the panther demon maid leave.

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