Chapter 0.4: Writtled Scars & V-Shape Lines

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"No! He freaked out-" I closed my mouth. I shouldn't be telling him anything. If he is asking me this is because something is going on.

"Where's Aaron?"

"He won't come out of his dorm. I'm trying to figure out why he is locking himself again," He stood up pushing the chair end. He realize he had said something he shouldn't have. "Anyways, if you didn't ask him anything you shouldn't have, then he woke up on the wrong side of the bed," He played it off cooly.

I sighed heavily. I pulled up my sleeves showing him my scars. I didn't want anyone to know here I used to cut. It was already enough having to be reminded everyday. Having people stare at me in a judgmental way was something I couldn't take. Logan made a o-shape with his mouth. He didn't say anything else. With my scars was enough to know why Aaron was acting the way he was.

"You know?"

I look away nodding. "After he stormed out I found out. I didn't-"

"It's not your fault. Aaron hasn't fully left her behind," Logan said.

"I didn't mean to get him upset," I confessed.

Logan shook his head. "I'll handle him. By the way your secret is safe with me," He winked walking off.

My stomach turned into a knot. Logan's wink was the sexiest thing I had seen in my life. That boy could be quiet but with the hand full of words he spoke made me want to melt. Not to mention the way his arms flex as he walked away from me. He was truly a hunk of a man!

It made me think of something. If Cambridge had the bad boys, they had to have the stuck up girls. It was a freaking rule of every high school to have those two cliques. The whores of the school who were unsecretly fucking the bad boys. Usually the new girl sees them the first day of school. She ends up having beef with the number one bitch of the school.

If I was already living the cliche story might as well accept all of it. The bad boy was somewhat interested in me, now the cue for the coolest girls to show up was needed. I was expecting them to show up in a clique. They would all have blonde or brown-blonde hair, tan skin, and dressing all slutty. In reality I needed to stop watching movies and basing them off with my life. Although the girls are plastic perfect who knew how the clique girls here look like.

Most girls here look normal to me. They seem to mind their own business or at least try too. The girls here are more down to earth then most high school girls. I guess since not all of us come from the same place we can't judge one another. At some point we were all newbies.

Chloe was waking towards the dining room with a brunette girl. I wave at her.


"Hey Zariah, this is my friend Paisley," She introduced me to the girl next her. Paisley waved at me smiling shyly.

"Hi Paisley, are you guys going to get breakfast?" I asked them both.

They nodded. "You ate already?" Chloe asked.

"Yeah, I'm going up to the second deck before heading to my dorm to get my things for class," We agreed to meet by the bottom deck before class.

I was going to go to the second deck. I wanted to relax a bit before class, but I thought it was time for me to explore the other side of the cruise. Near the small store, there was signs to different locations. There was a club, arcade, theater, bowling, cafe, and a gym. I was impressed. This school had everything. I decided to go over to the gym to check it out.

After class was over I would come over here and work out. When I entered the medium size gym, no one was in there. There was treadmills, bicycles, upper working out equipment and much more. On the far left there was this glass window. Peeking inside I notice Aaron was in there punching a punching bag. He was dripping in sweat. He wasn't wearing a shirt so I could see all his back muscles.

His pants were hanging a bit down his butt. I could see his v-line clearly. I hold onto the wall as my knees go weak. His body was perfect. His face was stern though, every time he punched the bag he made this agonizing expression. He truly was upset. I was over the fact it was my fault but I think this had to do more than just me. Aaron missed Caroline.  

He walks away from it then suddenly kicks it. He kicks the punching bag sending it flying across the wall. He took a step forward and drops to his knees.

Before thinking what I was doing, I was right beside Aaron. He wouldn't look at me. He kept his head down glaring at the mat. His breathes were heavy and tired. He was being a bit too rough on himself. Kicking the punching bag caused him to hurt his ankle. I wanted to comfort him and say everything would be fine, except I didn't know how to comfort someone. I kept debating whether I should touch his arm. What if he push me away and left again?

"Are you hurt?" I finally said.

"No," he exhaled looking straight at me.

His eyes were filled with hurt. My heart broke in that instant. I wrapped my arms around him hugging him tightly. I know my hug couldn't relieve the pain in his heart. Nothing I say would bring back Caroline. A part of me wanted him to know I was here for him. He was sweating and burning hot. I was a bit disgusted but I shrugged off when Aaron hugged me back.

It caught me by surprise since I thought he was mad at me. His hot flesh went through my sweater into my own skin. He was dripping in sweat yet I only hugged him harder. When was the last time someone was there for Aaron? He seemed to be hugging me like he hadn't hug a girl in years.

"Thank you," He whispered getting back up.

What did I do? It was just a hug. I watch him walk over to his bag and he puts on his hoodie. He opens a bottle of water drinking it completely in seconds. I stood up not saying anything. My hugs couldn't be miracle workers. I don't hug people only Zac. He says I give the best hugs but he's my brother. Beside Zac I had never hugged a guy. Having Aaron be the first hug to ever hug, made butterflies go off inside my stomach.

"About yesterday-"

"Forgiven," I said intruppting him.

He chuckles. "Thanks, I didn't mean to react that way," He says looking back down.

"You had your reasons Aaron," I assured him.

Class was going to begin in a few minutes and I needed to get back to my dorm. As I exited out the gym Aaron followed behind me.

"Zariah," He called out for me.

I turned around. "Yeah?"

"We arrive to the city tomorrow night, the boys and I are going downtown to eat. Since we are seniors we get special privileges," He says as we walked back towards the main hall.

"Sure sounds cool. Can I bring Chloe?" I asked him.

Aaron laughs for some reason. "She was coming either way,"

"Why?" I looked at him confused.

"She's Logan's girlfriend," He said walking past me.

So The Pretty Boys have girlfriends?


Simple, yet informative chapter:) 

I can't stay away from Wattpad guys, you are all family, and Wattpad is home. Even if my life is turning into hell, i'm beginning to see sunshine. I'm not promising frequent updates, but I'll try my best!






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