' Sweetie.. I brought you some Macaroons. You didn't seem very hungry at the dinner table. You better go shower as well, you're starting to smell." Aunt Jeanne sticked out her tongue and placed the plate near his bed.

She glanced around your slightly messy room. Only messy part was being the clothes that were tossed onto the ground. Honestly, you would clean it up. But you kept procrastinating the time.

" thanks Aunty. I uhm.. will go take that shower now then." You said slightly scratching the back of your head.

" (Y/N).." Aunty Jeanne spoke softly sitting down next to you.

A small squeak filled the air, you started to panic. Your aunty was sitting on the small Jellyfish who hid under the blankets.

"What was that?" She glanced around not noticing she was sitting on the Kwami. It was a good yet bad thing.

" OH! Uh.. uh." You had to think quickly.

You grabbed your Auntie's arm, tugging her off the bed to the door, " Im sorry Aunty! I just remembered I have a project due tomorrow.. so I better work on that plus I gotta clean up and-and I better bathe too!" You laughed about the close the door.

She narrowed her eyes and held the door open, " What are you hiding?"

" -N- nothing.." you mumbled.

" I don't believe you. Are you-"

" Aunty, believe me.. its nothing.. Im just busy. I promise, please believe me."

She stared at you skeptical before sighing an, " Alright."

" I just to remind you, This Saturday we're going to be hosting a party. Your uncle and I have finished the new trend so I expect you to join us. I know a few of the guest have children that will attend. You can do the Hanging out with them." She smiled.

You flatten a bit, " O-Oh.. uhmm.. yay. Parties." You said not very excited.

She kissed your forehead before bidding you a goodnight.

You closed the door with a sigh before rushing to the bed and lifting up the sheets to see the little Kwami.

" Clear, Are you okay?" You asked picking up the Jellybaby.

The Jellyfish nodded.

"Thank goodness.." you smiled.

Clear floated to the sweet Macaroons and grabbed the blue vanilla one, he soon began eating it humming happily.

" You really love those sweets, huh?" You poked the jellybaby.

Clear puffed his cheek, " Its Delicious."

You chuckled before walking to the bathroom in your room to take a quick shower.

After taking a refreshing bath, you decided to pick up the dirty tossed clothes on the floor. It would be best to clean up, you have been slacking off just a bit.

As you picked up the dirty clothes there was a tap on your slide door leading to the open balcony. You sigh thinking it was just your imagination. Until it happened again, but more louder.

You moved to the balcony door and pushed away the curtains.

You jumped back when your eyes gazed over and connected to Bright Green( glowing? It seemed like it was glowing) eyes.

The male snickered as he pushed open the door, stepping inside.

" Shoots, I didn't mean to scare you cutie pie." The man winked at you his hands on his hips.

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