Sinbad the Sailor, (Yn) the Magican

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"Its existence was first confirmed in a strait between two great powers lying in the southwest. Before long, it was called the Dungeon. This mysterious building became a target for capture by both Parthevia and Reim. Over ten thousand people were sent there, and none came back. Until two friends took on the challenge."

"We can't do it." "We won't survive this storm." People said while on the ship heading to Parthevia. "Don't worry guys, Sinbad can get us out of this!" "Don't be afraid of the wave's, Read the flow of the waves, accept them, and overcome them." Sinbad said heroically, trying to calm them down, while (Yn) smiled at him, he smiled back.

(Time skip brought to you by my pain and suffering while wanting a single GODDAMN COMMENT ;-;)

A merchant's cart moved down the road, within no men that could protect the girls were there. so they were vulnerable to thieves "It's Contastia." One of the girls said. Most likely in her teens, as the little one said in wonder "It's a big city." "It's very lively." They finished as the old man, directing the horse where to go "It's a remote region. The government doesn't have full control here, in both good and bad ways." "Let's sell out stuff quickly and go home." The old man finished, as a gang of thieves make their way towards the cart "If you don't want to die leave your stuff here and go." They said and grabbed the woman "Another gang of robbers who escaped the military service, Visiting this town without a guard?" "They're the perfect prey." They stopped, as Sinbad and (Yn), who were on a roof made their way towards the commotion "Hey Sin" "Yeah I know." "What should we do to scare off these thieves? You wanna lead?" "Yeah." Sin and (Yn) finished their conversation. "Boss, there are only women and kids in here." One of the thieves said as a child's crying could be heard "Good timing. Let's get these women too." as the fat man's laugh could be heard "We'll take good care of you." the fat man stopped looking at his gang member "What about this one?" he asked, as the leader made a kill movement (I don't know what to call it. Sigh.) "Stop." yelled Sinbad as (Yn) had magma floating around her, to scare them "It's only two kids, but why does the girl have that thing around her?" they said as one of them said "Go home and take a leak or something." they laughed as (Yn) whispered 'This is a goddamn nice view' she giggled "Humans and oceans, both are like waves." 'And now the legendary Sinbad shall jump dun dun dun' As Sinbad jumped down, (Yn) floated down "There's no wave" Sinbad paused "that I can't overcome." "Darn it." The leader said as Sinbad the goddess made him faint by kicking his face, as he soared doing a spiral movement hitting the next one in the face with his foot as he boosted himself towards the next man, punching him, then using him as support and did (a million spins like HOW?!) another spiral movement kicking the next guy in the back of his neck 

(Mini Time skip cause I'm too lazy to write all deez skillz)

As all the men fainted, Sinbad stood on the ground "Thank you so much." One of them said, "You're strong." As Sinbad laughed as said honestly "I simply read their waves." "Oh and hello miss, what was that weird thing around you?" the little girl asked, "It's called magma, it comes from under the ground, heating up hot springs and volcanoes." "Whoah that sounds so cool!" she said excitedly "Want to see something else that's cool?" (Yn) said "Yeah! I wanna see something cool" "Okay, Explextoma!" (Yn) yelled as water, fire, and rocks went into the sky making a sphere of lines going in a circle, as they all stood there in awe, no one has seen something like that in their life, they were all speechless "Whoa (Yn) is that a new spell you made?" Sinbad asked in awe "Yep, So do you like it?" "Like it? No, I love it, It's so beautiful" Sinbad said looking at you smiling "Well it can also be a really good spell combined " (Yn) said once again and made a fountain with infinite freshwater. "How can we thank you?" they asked Sinbad as he replied "It's not necessary" as he looked at the horse "Are you transporting goods without male company?" "Yes. Our father and brothers went to the war." The girl stopped sadly as the old man spoke up "It's the same in the neighboring town, They got away from military duty, but must've become thieves to survive." The old man stopped, as Sinbad frowned and (Yn) smiled "I know. Why don't you hire us?" (Yn) said smiling "What?" "Fishing is limited now and we don't have a job" Sinbad continued "Besides..." 'Sigh... here we go again' "Pretty girls like you shouldn't be exposed to danger." Sinbad finished his seducing (Why Sinbad, I know that your eyebrows are my life source but still, ugh xD) "We're going home by the sea route, so we don't need a guard." Sinbad listened to the girl say what she said, as the little girl hugged (Yn) "Okay too bad." Sinbad replied "Why don't you take some of our goods? They're all fresh fruits." "Wait are they peaches or pears? Because I love peaches" (Yn) replied, drool coming out of her mouth (Sorry if you don't like those fruits :P) "The ones in this barrel are the best of the crop." as she opened the barrel to see a green hat, the person looked up "Ahhh Don't open without permission." He quickly finished and put the lid back on "Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!"

Childhood Friends (Teenage Sinbad X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora