he invites you out

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Scott: your school had been going wild over a bush party that was happening tonight. Everyone who was remotely known was going, even the people who didn't exist were going. You thought parties were boring and especially a bush party. Who even thought of having a party in the woods? When you were in the halls, your boyfriend Scott had caught glimpse of you and immediately was by your side.

"So, are you going to escort me to the bush party tonight?" His hand wrapped around your shoulder as you made your was into the problematic traffic jam of the halls. You looked at him funny.

"Was I suppose to?" You gripped a hold of your purse and continued to listen to Scott. "Well yeah, it's only anything anyone can talk about. And since you need to get out more, I think it would be a great opportunity."  He slowly was convincing you. "So you are forcing me?" You chuckle well he rolls his eyes. "Of course not, but it'd be really fun with my girl." He pulled you closer into him. You could never resist when he called you his girl. "I guess if you really want me to." You grinned while he kissed your head.

Stiles: "So?" Stiles voice snapped you back into reality. "I was hoping you'd be up to go to dinner with my dad and I?" Stiles have you a sweet smile. You and stiles had been dating for a while and he never wanted you to meet his dad so this really surprised you.

"Really? Meeting the father of my handsome boyfriend." You teased him. He rolled his eyes. "I'm being serious. He really wants to meet the girl who makes me utterly happy." His sweet comment made you grin. "Do I actually make you that happy because I'm pretty annoying." He rolled his eyes once again. "Seriously, he will think you are a lovely girlfriend." You nodded, embracing him. "I'd love to meet Mr Stilinski." You mumbled into his chest. "That's my baby girl." He rubbed your back.

Derek: a hand grabbed your shoulder and pulled you back. "Hey babe." Derek purred into your ears. You smiled at him as he ran to your side.

"Hi hunny." You looked at the wooden floor. He kissed your cheek before speaking again. "I've been really thinking lately." He followed you as you continued across the apartment. "Im going on a trip to Sacramento, I was wondering if you wanted to come." You smiled at him and nodded. "I'd love to, Sacramento is beautiful." His hand wrapped into your waist. "We are going next weekend and it's going to be some drive but I'm happy to spend it with my wonderful wifey." His voice now full of excitement. "I wouldn't want to be with anyone else." He continued.

Isaac: you laid in bed, your boyfriend at your side. He held your hand while you scrolled through the tv channels. "So baby." He started, you not really paying him attention.

"Yesssss?" You dragged your s out. "What is your opinion on Las Vegas?" He stops. "Pretty cool, I've never actually been." You kinda are more focused. "So, since you are turning 21 in a week, would you want to perhaps go, with me?" His speech very slow. You giggle. "For real?" He nodded as you drop the remote. "Isaac! You can't be serious!" Excitement filled your body. This feeling so magical.  "I'd love to go! We could party it up!" You cried in joy. He smiled and kissed your temple. "Well, what if I said we could invite a couple of your friends?" He added on to the excitement. "You mean it?" He smiled and nodded. "Totally."

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